United States Air Force Academy

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Faculty and Staff Directory

Center for Character and Leadership

Col Joel Brown
Colonel Joel N. Brown

Director, U.S. Air Force Academy Center for Character and Leadership Development (CCLD)

Lt Col Brenda R. Arincorayan is the Chief of Permanent Party Development at the Center for Character and Leadership Development.
Lieutenant Colonel Brenda R. Arincorayan

Deputy Chief of Permanent Party Development

Senior Master Sergeant Antonio da Camara Canto is the Reserve Superintendent of the Center for Character and Leadership Development.
Senior Master Sergeant Antonio da Camara Canto

Reserve Superintendent

Kimberly S. Dickman
Dr. Kimberly S. Dickman

Assistant Professor

(719) 333-0932

Brian Fash
Lieutenant Colonel Brian Fash

IMA to the Director

(719) 333-0863

Lieutenant Colonel Mark E. George is the is the Chief of the Development Division at the Center for Character and Leadership Development.
Lieutenant Colonel Mark E. George

Chief of the Development Division

Melissa Hermosillo
Melissa Hermosillo

Program Support Assistant


Dr. Jacqueline S. Hooper
Dr. Jacqueline S. Hooper

Chief of the Professional Development Branch of the Development Division

(719) 333-4725

Col Matthew Horner
Colonel Matthew I. Horner

Permanent Professor for Center for Character & Leadership Development

Senior Master Sergeant Patrick A. Hunt is the Senior Enlisted Leader for the Center for Character and Leadership Development.
Chief Master Sergeant Patrick A. Hunt

Senior Enlisted Leader

(719) 333-0708

Dr. Michele E. Johnson Assistant Professor for Officer Development Integration Center for Character and Leadership Development.
Dr. Michele E. Johnson

Assistant Professor for Officer Development Integration

(719) 333-6345

Dr. Douglas R. Lindsay

Editor in Chief of the Journal of Character & Leadership Development (JCLD)

Official photo of Lieutenant General (ret) Christopher D. Miller (CCLD).
Lieutenant General (ret) Christopher D. Miller

Helen and Arthur E. Johnson Chair for the Study of the Profession of Arms

(719) 333-4904

Maj Daniel L. Montano
Major Daniel L. Montano

Executive Officer

719- 333-8847

Kristina A.R. Riggs
Ms. Kristina A. Riggs

Instructor/ Manager of the U.S. Air Force Academy Outdoor Leadership Complex

(719) 333-6768

Dr. Logan B. Sisson
Dr. Logan B. Sisson

Instructor of Professional Development

(719) 333-3853