United States Air Force Academy

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Institutional Awards

Institutional Awards recognize individuals or groups who set themselves apart through outstanding contributions in military operations or philanthropy. These graduates and members of the United States Air Force Academy family show amazing dedication to their craft and to the Academy as an institution.

Each award recognizes a unique aspect of service, integrity and excellence:

  • Distinguished Service Award

    The United States Air Force Academy (USAFA) established the Air Force Academy Distinguished Service Award (DSA) in February 1999. Each year, the USAFA DSA is presented by the Superintendent to a military person, civilian, or group, whose contributions have had a distinct impact on the morale or well-being of the Air Force Academy. Any individual or group who has contributed significantly and directly to the morale or well-being of the Academy through the generous donation of time, resources, or influence is eligible.

    Selection Criteria

    Award selection is based on an individual’s or group’s accomplishments, which can be described as having had a long-term, positive effect on the morale or well-being of the Academy. Former military and civilian employees are eligible upon termination of employment from the Air Force Academy. However, the USAFA DSA is intended to recognize those individuals who contribute not as part of their official duty but through their personal generosity and dedication to the institution. Personnel currently assigned to the Academy can be considered for the award so long as their contributions were performed outside of their official duties.

    2021Colonel (Retired) Robert Munson
    2020Lieutenant Colonel (Ret) Garry W. Dudley ’68
    2019General (Retired) John Lorber ’64
    2018Class of 1970 Gift Committee (aka, the ’70 Heritage Committee)

    • Brigadier General (Retired) Curtis Emery II ’70
    • Colonel (Retired) Gary Dahlen ’70
    • Colonel (Retired) Richard Rauschkolb ’70
    • Colonel (Retired) Michael Torreano ’70
    2017Mr. Carl A. Janssen, Jr. ’68
    2016No award Presented
    2015The Air Force Academy Foundation
    2014Mr. John M. Fox ’63
    2013Dr. Jimmy Covey ’68
    2012Mr. Edward E. “Ted” Legasey ’67
    2011Colonel (Retired) Jock C. H. Schwank ’60
    2010Lieutenant General (Retired) Benjamin N. Bellis ’85
    2009Mr. A. Bart Holaday ’65
    2008General (Retired) James P. McCarthy
    2007Brigadier General (Retired) Malham M. Wakin
    2006Academy Top 3
    2005Major General (Retired) William Lyon
    2004No Award Presented
    2003Colonel (Retired) Joseph and Doctor Dorothy Moller
    2002The Olmsted Foundation
    2001Brigadier General (Retired) Philip J. Erdle
    2000Mr. Harold U. Littrell
    1999Colorado Springs Citizens Committee
    Lieutenant General (Retired) A. P. Clark
  • Colonel James Jabara Airmanship Award

    The United States Air Force Academy (USAFA) in conjunction with the Jabara Family and the USAFA AOG established the Colonel James Jabara Airmanship Award in January 1967. Each year the award is presented by the Superintendent and AOG to an active duty USAFA graduate whose airmanship contributions are of such significance as to set them apart from their contemporaries. Each major command (MAJCOM), field operating agency (FOA)–to include National Guard and the Reserve, and direct reporting unit (DRU) may submit one nomination for the award. Retired or separated graduates may be considered and should be nominated by corporate, civilian, government, or other organizations, as appropriate.

    Selection Criteria

    Award selection is based on airmanship contributions that are of such significance as to set the performer apart from their contemporaries. The definition of airmanship includes feats of aircrew members, as well as exceptional contributions with respect to design, production, or testing of an aerospace vehicle or its subsystems. Nominations will fall into one of the following categories:

    • An individual heroic act.
    • Sustained superior performance over a period of time. In this category, nominations may cover a broad spectrum ranging from crewmembers of an aerospace vehicle mission to an engineer or manager associated with the development of an aerospace vehicle.

    Past Jabara Award Winners:

    *Received Posthumously
    **Died Subsequently
    2021Maj Cameron Dilts, ’10CV-22B Pilot, Iraq
    2020Capt Alexander E. Boules, ’15A-10, Afghanistan
    2019Col Tyler N. Hague ’98
    Maj Caitlin T. Reilly ‘ 07
    Operations: Inherent Resolve, Freedom’s Sentinel, & Resolute Support
    2018Maj Marc P. Catalano ’06Iraq, Operation Inherent Resolve & Resolute Support, AC-130U Pilot
    2017Capt Brian R. Guyette, ‘08Syria, B-1 Instructor Pilot
    2016Maj Matthew J. Kuta, ‘05Afghanistan, F-15E Pilot
    2015Capt Kyle L. Babbitt, ’08ACC, A-10 C pilot, OEF
    2014Capt Charles C. Napier, ’06HH-60G Rescue in Afghanistan
    2013Capt Christopher D. McConnell, ’05Op Odyssey Dawn (Libya), B-1
    2012Capt Joseph A. Hext, ’02USAFE, Op Enduring Freedom, A-10 Pilot
    2011Capt Michal P. Polidor, ’04Global Strike Command, F-15E Pilot
    2010Capt Prichard R. Keely, 04ACC, F-15E Weapon Systems Officer
    2009Capt Travis A. Burton, ’00
    Mr. Chesley B. Sullenberger, ’73
    USAFE, A-10 Pilot OEF
    US Airways Pilot, Hudson River Landing
    2008Capt Jonathan W. Graham, ’99AETC, Operation Iraqi Freedom MH-53
    2006Maj John E. Vargas Jr., ‘96USAFE, F-16, OIF, OEF
    2005Lt Col Keith D. Schultz, ‘79B-52 flight, weapon system development
    2004Maj Jason L. Hanover, ‘92AFSOC; MC-130H; OEF and OIF
    2003Capt Leighton T. Anderson, Jr., ‘92
    Capt Edward J. Lengel, ‘92
    Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF)
    Operation Anaconda
    2002Maj Henry C. Thompson, ‘87Operation Allied Force/Northern Watch
    2001Maj Julian M. Chesnutt, ‘89Operation Allied Force, Fighter Ops
    2000Maj James L. Cardoso, ‘88Operation Allied Force, Rescue
    1998Capt Daniel E. Flynn, ‘91Special Operations Excellence
    1997LtCol David J. Scott, ‘78F-16 Tactics Development / Leadership
    1996LtCol Robert P. Donnelly, Jr, ‘77Flatyeri, Iceland Rescue
    1995Capt Harold E. Waters, ‘85RC-135 In-flight Emergency
    1994LtCol James A. Sills, ‘74Iceland Rescue
    1993Maj Ali C. Frolich, ‘80Desert Shield / Desert Storm
    1992Maj Corby L. Martin, ‘80Desert Shield / Desert Storm
    1991Capt William F. Andrews, ‘80Desert Storm / F-16  Heroic Act
    1990Capt Francis R. Gabreski, ‘8Tactics Validation / Panama
    1989LtCol Robert H. Schnick, ‘72F-16 Test Pilot for LANTIRN
    1988Maj Marc D. Felman, ‘76
    Capt Thomas M. Ferguson, ‘81
    KC-10 Mission over Atlantic
    KC-10 Mission over Atlantic
    1987Capt James A. Trinka, ‘78Save F-16 w/ Engine Failure
    1986Maj Larry E. Faber, ‘73Save TR-1 w/ Engine Failure
    1985Col James N. Allburn, ‘63X-29 Program
    1984Capt Michael P. Davis, ‘78Grenada Rescue
    1983Col Karol J. Bobko, ‘59
    Maj Neal D. Coyle, ‘72
    Maiden Voyage of Challenger
    B-52 In-flight Emergency
    1982LtCol Robert L. Brenci, ‘63Iran Hostage Rescue Attempt
    1981Capt William T. Gillin, ‘73Dutch Liner Rescue
    1980Col Thomas A. LaPlante, ‘61Excellence in System Management
    1979Maj Mart H. Bushnell, ‘64F-15 & AIM-7F Sparrow Missile Improvements
    1978LtCol (Dr) Wayne F. Kendall, ‘60F-15/F-16 Canopy Loss
    1977Maj Roger E. Carleton, ‘67A-10 T & E
    1976**LtCol Michael V. Love, ‘60Test Pilot
    1975**Capt Donald R. Backlund, ‘71
    Capt Ronald T. Rand, ‘71
    Mayaguez Rescue (Pilot)
    Mayaguez Rescue (Photographer)
    1974*Maj Robert A. Lodge, ‘64Southeast Asia
    1973Capt Dale E. Stovall, ‘67SEA/Helicopter Rescue
    1972Maj Richard S. Ritchie, ‘64Southeast Asia
    1971Capt Neil B. Crist, ‘66Southeast Asia
    1970Capt (Ret) Wayne A. Warner, ’63Southeast Asia
    1969Maj Terry R. Jorris, ‘61Space Sextant (Aerospace Research)
    *Lt Karl W. Richter, ‘64Southeast Asia
    1968Capt Donald D. Stevens, ‘60Southeast Asia
  • Distinguished Graduate Award

    The United States Air Force Academy (USAFA) and the USAFA Association of Graduates (AOG) have established the Distinguished Graduate Award. Each year the award is presented by the Superintendent (HQ USAFA/CC) and the Chairman of the AOG to a USAFA graduate(s), whose lifetime of achievement is of such significance as to set them apart from their contemporaries. More than one individual may be selected during a particular year. The purpose of the award is to:

    • Recognize outstanding performance by graduates who have demonstrated a lifetime of exceptional service to the Nation.
    • Favorably promote the Air Force Academy and its graduates. Promote and increase awareness of graduate heritage among alumni, cadets, parents, and friends of the Air force Academy.
    Selection Criteria

    Award selection is based on a lifetime of achievement that is of such significance as to set the individual apart from their contemporaries. The Award will not be given to individuals who occupy, or are candidates for, elective office, or who are still on active duty. Individuals must be alive and agree to accept the Award at the Air Force Academy whenever possible. Posthumous nominations will only be considered in rare instances.

    2022Brig Gen (Ret) Hans Mueh ’66
    Maj Gen (Ret) Susan Desjardins ’80
    Gen (Ret) David Goldfein ’83
    2021Col. (Ret.) Leonard “Lucky” Ekman ’63
    Dr. William Wecker ’63
    Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Eugene Lupia ’67
    2020Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Jay Kelley ’64
    Mr. Hugh Williamson ’64
    Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Ronald “Ron” Sega ’74
    Col. (Ret.) Gail Benjamin Colvin ’80
    2019(Ret.) Leslie Denend ’63
    Mr. Fletcher “Flash” Wiley ’65
    Gen. (Ret.) Norton “Norty” Schwartz ’73
    Gen. (Ret.) Edward Rice Jr. ’78
    Mr. John “Jack” Kucera ’78
    2018Gen. (Ret.) Edward R. Jayne II ’66
    Col. (Ret.) Dr. H. Michael Lambert ’70
    Gen. (Ret.) Mark A. Welsh III ’76
    Brig. Gen. (Ret.) John C. Inglis ’76
    2017John Fox ’63
    T. Allan McArtor ’64
    Gen. (Ret.) Steve Lorenz ’73
    2016(Ret.) George Lee Butler ’61
    Gen. (Ret.) Charles R. Holland ’68
    Mr. R. David Yost ’69
    Col. (Ret.) Gary E. Payton ’71
    2015(Ret.) Gregory “Speedy” Martin ’70
    Paul Madera ’78
    2014Thomas J. Eller ’61
    Gen. (Ret.) Kevin P. Chilton ’76
    2013A. Bart Holaday ’65
    Gen. (Ret) William R. “Bill” Looney III ’72
    2012Gen. (Ret.) Marcus A. Anderson ’61
    Mr. Edward E. “Ted” Legasey ’67
    2011Gen. (Ret.) Ruben A. Cubero ’61
    Mr. Richard D. McConn ’66
    2010Max F. James ’64
    Gen. (Ret.) Ralph E.Eberhart ’68
    2009(Ret.) John Michael Loh ’60
    Honorable Heather A. Wilson ’82
    2008Gen. (Ret.) Donald Shepperd ’62
    Mr. John Martinson ’70
    2007Gen. (Ret.) Ervin Rokke ’62
    Gregg Popovich ’70
    2006Gen. (Ret.) Robert D. Beckel ’59
    Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Edward J. Mechenbier ’64
    2005(Ret.) H.T. Johnson ’59
    Gen. (Ret.) Michael E. Ryan ’65
    2004(Ret.) Frederick Gregory ’64
    Gen. (Ret.) Ronald W. Yates ’60
    2003Gen. (Ret.) Bradley C. Hosmer ’59
    Mr. Richard T. Schlosberg ’65
    2002Paul G. Kaminski ’64
    Gen. (Ret.) Robert C. Oaks ’59
    2001(Ret.) Ronald Fogleman ’63
    Mr. Harry J. Pearce, ’64
  • Sullenberger Award for Courage

    The United States Air Force Academy (USAFA) and the USAFA Association of Graduates (AOG) have established the Sullenberger Distinguished Achievement Award through a Memorandum of Agreement. The Superintendent (HQ USAFA/CC) and the Chairman of the AOG to a USAFA graduate(s), whose singular act of achievement is of such significance as to set them apart from their contemporaries. More than one individual may be selected during a particular year.

    Selection Criteria

    Award selection is based on a singular achievement or a series of events within a short duration of time, which is of such significance as to set the individual apart from contemporaries. Individuals must be alive and agree to accept the Award at the Air Force Academy when possible.  Posthumous nominations will only be considered in rare instances. The criteria for the award is the following:

    Exemplary performance during a singular act, or series of events within a short duration of time, where the individual demonstrated an achievement well exceeding the expectations for that period of time. For the 2023 Sullenberger Award for Courage we will accept nominations for acts within the year 2023.

    • Incident exemplifies the Academy core values of – service before self, excellence in all we do, and integrity
    • Act of bravery can occur during a military, civilian, business sector, or community related event
    • The incident reflects positively on the Academy and is directly correlated to the training provided by the Academy
    Past Sullenberger Award Winners

    This award was established in 2020 and was awarded for the first time in 2021.

    • 2021 Winner Lt. Col. Alexander Pelbath
  • Wakin Character and Leadership Development Award

    The USAFA Malham M. Wakin Character and Leadership Development Award offers the institution an official means of recognizing a current or former USAFA permanent party member who has fostered character and leadership development consistent with the Center for Character and Leadership Development (CCLD) conceptual framework by living honorably, lifting others to their best possible self and elevating performance to a noble and common purpose during the current calendar year, 1 January-31 December.

    The award honors Brigadier General Malham M. Wakin, USAF, Retired, who served as Vice-Dean and as head of the Philosophy and Fine Arts Department at USAFA from 1959 – 1995.

    2023Mr. Michael Kazlausky
    2022Capt Victoria Morrison
    2021Dr. Gregory “Greg” Tate, Cadet Wing
    2020Ms. Gina “Nikki” Mench ’02
    2019Maj Keturah Onukwuli
    2018Lt Col Camilo Guerrero ’96
    2017Col (Ret) Tom Berry ’71
    2016Col Jennifer Block ’92
    2015Dr. Robert “Jef” Jackson
    2014Maj Christina D. Vile
    2013Capt Seth G. Ostlund
    2012Lt Col Ryan K. Osteroos ’94
    2011Col (Ret) Steven A. Shambach
    2010Lt Col Brian Huntley ’88
    2009Maj James Thompson
    2008Lt Col Vicki Rast ’88
    2007Coach Fisher DeBerry
    2006Mr. Phillip Gronseth ’75
    2005Professor Howard Eggers
    2004USAFA Response Team
    2003Lt Col Mark McGeehan ’78
    C1C Patrick McGeehan ’03
    C1C Brian Smolensky ’03
    2002Dr. Martin Carlisle, DFCS
    2001C1C Catherine Adams
    2000USAFA Prep School
    1999Brig Gen Ruben A. Cubero ’61
    1998Lt Gen Bradley C. Hosmer ’59

Cadet Awards

Cadet awards recognize cadets for their military, academic, and athletic performance. They are offered for their motivational and inspirational value to all cadets who may one day be called upon to defend our great nation. Organizational awards are designed to recognize cadet units for outstanding achievement in academics, military training, athletics, and extracurricular activities. The awards consist of a trophy, engraved plaque and a guidon streamer for the winning units.

Each year, through the generosity of our sponsors, the Academy presents the following awards:

  • Academic Awards

    Academic awards reward outstanding achievement in each of the four academic divisions.

    AwardWinnerClassSqIn Memory ofDonor
    Outstanding Cadet in Remotely Piloted AircraftShelby A. Wood202414in memory of Captain Mark Patrick McCarthy (Class of 1985)General James P. McCarthy, USAF, Retired and Mrs. Alice McCarthy
    Outstanding Cadet in Basic SciencesMaya G. Mandyam202411in memory of Lieutenant General Claire L. Chennault 
    Outstanding Cadet in EngineeringRegan B. Hansen2024  Mr Allan Hunt (Class of 1969)
    Outstanding Cadet in HumanitiesAlexander J. Simmons20242in memory of Lieutenant General Barton K. YountAssociation of Graduates of the United States Air Force Academy
    Outstanding Cadet in Social SciencesIsobel C. Dernlan202424in memory of General Joseph R. Holzapple 
    Outstanding Cadet in Academic PerformanceTaylor H. Edwards20241in memory of Brigadier General Robert F. McDermott, USAF, RetiredThe American Legion
    Outstanding Cadet in Aeronautical EngineeringTaylor H. Edwards20241in memory of Captain Zoltan J. Tober, Jr. (Class of 1965) 
    Outstanding Cadet in Astronautical EngineeringAlejandro Posadas Nava202414in memory of Dr. John von NeumannBrig Gen (Ret) Robert B. Giffen (Class of 1965)
    Outstanding Cadet in Behavioral Sciences and LeadershipGabrielle R. Wilson202423in memory of Captain Richard D. Chorlins (Class of 1967)National Ladies’ Auxiliary Jewish War Veterans of the U.S.
    Outstanding Cadet in BiologyLindsey A. Winograd20246in memory of members of the 384th Bomb Group who served from 1942 to 1945384th Bomb Group, Inc.
    Outstanding Cadet in ChemistryMadelyn L. Letendre20249in memory of Captain Edward E. BarrowNational Society Daughters of the American Colonists
    Outstanding Cadet in Civil EngineeringEvan T. Haskins202425in honor of Major General Eugene A. Lupia, USAF, Retired (Class of 1967) and in memory of First Lieutenant George W. Kamenicky (Class of 1969)New York City Post of the Society of American Military Engineers
    Outstanding Cadet in Communications   in honor of General Richard L. Lawson, USAF, RetiredAssociation of Graduates of the United States Air Force Academy
    Outstanding Cadet in Cyber ScienceMassimo A. Brigola202438 The Honorable Michael W. Wynne, former Secretary of the Air Force
    Outstanding Cadet in Computer ScienceSamuel J. Brennan202420in memory of Captain Dean W. Gonzalez (Class of 1980)USAFA DFCS Faculty Alumni
    Outstanding Cadet in Eastern Language MinorIsobel C. Dernlan202424in memory of General James H. DoolittleNational Society Colonial Dames XVII Century
    Outstanding Cadet in EconomicsGrace A. Sublette202429in memory of Major Arthur L. Moxon (Class of 1968) 
    Outstanding Cadet in EnglishMackenzie H. Lucas202437in honor of Brigadier General Peter R. Moody, USAF, RetiredVeterans of Foreign Wars of the United States
    Outstanding Cadet in Foreign Area StudiesKaren A. Kosinski202425in honor of Brigadier General Ruben A. Cubero, USAF, Retired (Class of 1961)The National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution
    Outstanding Cadet in Geospatial ScienceShane H. Choi202422in memory Of Brigadier General Robert F. McDermott, USAF, RetiredUnited Services Automobile Association, Mountain States Region
    Outstanding Cadet in HistoryDoyle C. Gehring202411in memory of Lieutenant General Frank M. AndrewsZebulon Pike Chapter, National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution
    Outstanding Cadet in Humanities (Major)     
    Outstanding Cadet in Intercollegiate Speech CompetitionLauren A. Blackwelder202417in memory of First Lieutenant Roger F. Stringer (Class of 1961)Family of Classmates of First Lieutenant Roger F. Stringer
    Outstanding Cadet in Legal StudiesRebecca A. Wusinich202434in memory of Brigadier General Marcos E. Kinevan, USAF, Retired 
    Outstanding Cadet in ManagementLuke J. Anderson202413in memory of Colonel Frank T. Birk (Class of 1968) 
    Outstanding Cadet in MathematicsOwen M. Graham20244in memory of Dr. Robert H. GoddardBrig Gen (USAF, Ret) John & Sandi Andrew
    Outstanding Cadet in MeteorologyZachary J. Holder202418  
    Outstanding Cadet in Military HistoryDean P. Fecteau202414in memory of Major Richard Ira Bongthe family of the late Colonel Robert S. Lawson
    Outstanding Cadet in Military and Strategic StudiesPatrick S. Jackson202437in memory of Major General Lucas V. Beau and Brigadier General William (Billy) MitchellCivil Air Patrol
    Outstanding Cadet in National Security StudiesMary O. Henderson202411in memory of Joseph J. Kruzel, Jr. (Class of 1967) and Colonel S. Nelson DrewNational Society United States Daughters of 1812
    Outstanding Cadet in Electrical & Computer EngineeringPayton R. Rawson202435 Congressional Medal of Honor Society
    Outstanding Cadet in Mechanical EngineeringBrigid T. Barkmeier202425 National Society Daughters of the American Revolution
    Outstanding Cadet in Systems EngineeringJames M. Leland IV202433 Air & Space Forces Association, Colorado
    Outstanding Cadet in PhilosophyClaudia C. DiStaso20245in memory of Major Fred A. BrockwayColonel James Cook and Mrs. Dörte Cook
    Outstanding Cadet in PhysicsBlake C. Eastman202411in memory of Major General George O. SquierThe Order of the Founders and Patriots of America
    Outstanding Cadet in Political ScienceIsobel C. Dernlan202424in memory of Captain Richard T. Carvolth IIINational Society of Daughters of Founders and Patriots of America
    Outstanding Cadet in Space OperationsSydney K. Heyborne202424in memory of Lieutenant Colonel Robert C. RoundingMilitary Order of Foreign Wars of the United States, National Commandery
    The Brigadier General John M. Andrew Award for the Outstanding Cadet in Operations ResearchLuke M. Robinson202414 Military and Security Applications Society of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences
    Outstanding Cadet in Western Language MinorGriffin T. Peter202413in memory of Major G. Raoul LufberyMilitary Order of the World Wars, National Headquarters
    Outstanding Cadet Commissioning into the U.S. Space ForceDaniel G. Avila202434 Space Force Association
    Outstanding Cadet in Guardianship ProgramsGarrett J. Siemen202430in honor of General David D. Thompson (Class of 1985)Gen (Ret) Thompson
  • Military Awards

    Military awards recognize the highest standards of leadership, character development, and military scholarship.

    AwardWinnerClassSqIn Memory ofDonor
    Outstanding Group AwardCadet Group 4 Association of Graduates of the United States Air Force Academy
    Outstanding Squadron AwardCadet Squadron 36 Air Force Association
    Drill and Ceremonies Competition Squadron AwardCadet Squadron 28in memory of United States Ambassador Laurence A. Steinhardt and Squadron Leader Allan A. Sherlock, Royal Canadian Air ForceMs. Laurene Ann Sherlock and Mr. Victor A. Sherlock
    Military Proficiency Squadron AwardCadet Squadron 33in memory of Colonel John H. Fowler, Jr.Air Force Space Command
    Core Values Squadron AwardCadet Squadron 20 Airlift Tanker Association
    Academic Achievement Squadron AwardCadet Squadron 27 Air Education and Training Command
    Leadership and Scholarship Squadron AwardCadet Squadron 35  
    USAFA Safety Outstanding Squadron AwardCadet Squadron 25  
    Outstanding Cadet Summer Wing Commander AwardHailey D. Kim202429 Aviators’ Post No. 743, American Legion
    Outstanding Cadet Fall Wing Commander AwardIsaac M. Bates202440in memory of Captain Herbert A. Adamson (Class of 1959)Aviators’ Post No. 743, American Legion
    Outstanding Cadet Spring Wing Commander AwardAbigail E. Worley202424in memory of General of the Air Force Henry H. (Hap) ArnoldAviators’ Post No. 743, American Legion
    Outstanding Cadet Group Commander AwardBrett M. Castro202431in memory of Major General Oscar WestoverThe Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States Auxiliary
    Outstanding Cadet Squadron Commander AwardMichael E. Santiago202435in memory of General Hoyt S. Vandenberg 
    Outstanding Cadet Flight Commander AwardAlexandria D. Griffith202416 Military Affairs Council of the Colorado Springs Chamber and Economic Development Corporation
    Outstanding Cadet Element Leader AwardSamuel B. Widman202438in memory of First Lieutenant Joseph D. Helton, Class of 2007 
    Outstanding Cadet Who Best Exemplifies the Highest Ideals of Loyalty, Integrity and Courage AwardKeeley Shaughnessy202418  
    Honor Chairperson AwardJoshua K. Wodrich202428in memory of Second Lieutenant John C. K. Milligan (Class of 1959) and First Lieutenant Beverly S. Parrish, Jr.The Family of Second Lieutenant John C.K. Milligan
    Outstanding Cadet in Character AwardMadelyn L. Letendre20249in honor of Coach Fisher DeBerryAssociation of Graduates of the United States Air Force Academy
    Outstanding Cadet in Citizenship AwardGrace A. Sublette202429 Rotary Club of the Garden of the Gods
    Outstanding Cadet in Military Performance AwardJonathan J. Loh20248in memory of General Walter C. Sweeney, Jr. (Class of 1959)Reverend Walter C. Sweeney, III
    Outstanding Cadet in the Order of Graduation AwardJonathan J. Loh20248in memory of Lieutenant Generals Millard F. Harmon and Hubert R. HarmonThe Order of Daedalians
    Mexican Secretariat of Defense Presentation for Outstanding Cadet in the Order of GraduationJonathan J. Loh20248  
    Argetine Air Force MedalJonathan J. Loh20248  
    Chilean Air Force AwardJonathan J. Loh20248  
  • Airmanship Awards

    These top awards recognize the first class cadets who excel in various aspects of airmanship including soaring, parachuting, powered flight, and navigation. Selection is based upon the advice of the 306th Flying Training Group Commander and staff and considers leadership and skill performance during jumps or flights as well as total number of jumps or flights.

    AwardWinnerClassSqIn Memory ofDonor
    The Col. Jay B. Harrelson Award for Commitment and Service celebrating the Outstanding Cadet in Airmanship AwardKelly A. Murphy202440 The Bassett Family
    Outstanding Cadet in Parachuting AwardCorwyn E. Wipf202416in memory of Peter A. Johnston (Class of 1966)The Class of 1966
    Outstanding Cadet in Powered Flight AwardLevi J. Brodman202429 Society of the Cincinnati in the State of Virginia
    Outstanding Cadet in Soaring AwardAyushi Bansal202413in memory of former Air Force Chief of Staff, General John P. McConnell 
    Outstanding Flying Team CadetJacob M. James202421  
  • Leadership Awards

    The tapping ceremony typically occurs each year during graduation week.  Honorees in these categories are recognized with a permanently affixed nameplate in the Arnold Hall ballroom.

    AwardWinnerClassSqIn Memory ofDonor
    Outstanding Cadet, United States Air Force Academy Preparatory School Graduate AwardWendell M. Roberson202428 USAFA Preparatory School Commanders
    Outstanding Former Regular Enlisted Cadet Graduating with Highest Class Honors AwardWendell M. Roberson202428in memory of Master Sergeant James D. HornerNational Society Dames of the Court of Honor
    Outstanding Former Falcon Scholar AwardIsaac M. Abramovitz202414in memory of Major General Robert J. SmithThe Falcon Foundation
    100 Year Honor Roll (Top Graduate)Jonathan J. Loh20248in memory of Lieutenant Generals Millard F. Harmon and Hubert R. HarmonThe Order of Daedalians
    Civil Air Patrol AwardRegan B. Hansen20249 Civil Air Patrol
  • Athletic Awards

    Athletic awards are awarded to cadets who demonstrate superior athletic achievement and leadership abilities.

    AwardWinnerClassSqIn Memory ofDonor
    Intercollegiate Athletics Squadron AwardCadet Squadron 37  
    Intramural Athletics Squadron AwardCadet Squadron 36 United Services Automobile Association, Mountain States Region
    Athletic Excellence Squadron AwardCadet Squadron 28 Association of Graduates of the United States Air Force Academy
    Most Valuable Athlete Award (Men)Trey J. Taylor202316in memory of Colonel John J. Clune, United States Air Force Academy Athletic Director, 1975-1991United States Air Force Academy Admissions Liaison Officers
    Most Valuable Athlete Award (Women)Peninah D’Souza20245in memory of Colonel John J. Clune, United States Air Force Academy Athletic Director, 1975-1991United States Air Force Academy Colorado Parents’ Club
    Outstanding Cadet, Athletic Achievement AwardPatrick W. Hoopes20252in memory of Major Jack Schwall, USAF, RetiredLieutenant Colonel Franklin D. Roth, USAF, Retired and Mrs. Rolene Roth; Lt Col Benjamin D. Roth
    Outstanding Cadet, Athletic Excellence AwardWyatt A. Hendrickson20243in memory of First Lieutenant Dale A. Walters (Class of 1982) 
    Outstanding Cadet, Athletic Leadership AwardSamuel G. Kulasingham202427in memory of First Lieutenant Michael J. Mark (Class of 1975)family and friends of First Lieutenant Michael J. Mark (Class of 1975)
    Outstanding Cadet, Scholar-Athlete AwardGrace A. Sublette202429in memory of General Edwin W. Rawlings 
    Most Valuable Baseball Player AwardSeungmin Shim20241in memory of Captain Valmore W. Bourque (Class of 1960)Ms. Donda Foran Thomasson
    Most Valuable Basketball Player Award (Men)Ethan E. Taylor20253 Lt Col (Ret) Steven A. Simon and Lt Col (Ret) Paula S. Simon
    Most Valuable Basketball Player Award (Women)Milahnie C. Perry202627 Women Air Force Service Pilots of World War II
    Most Valuable Cadet in Boxing Excellence Award (Men)Victor N. Benitez202440 Rampart Chapter, Association of Graduates
    Most Valuable Cadet in Boxing Excellence Award (Women)Mackenzie H. Lucas202437 Rampart Chapter, Association of Graduates
    Most Valuable Cadet in Marksmanship Award (Rifle)Morgan M. Kreb202415in honor of the United States Air Force Academy Purple Heart Recipients 
    Most Valuable Cheerleader Award (Men)Ryan M. Trevino202437  
    Most Valuable Cheerleader Award (Women)Ella K. Furlong202437  
    Most Valuable Cross Country Runner Award (Men)Sean R. Maison202412 United Services Automobile Association, Mountain States Region
    Most Valuable Cross Country Runner Award (Women)Halle L. Hamilton202417 American Legion Auxiliary National Headquarters
    Most Valuable Diver Award (Men)Alexander C. Kenyon202533  
    Most Valuable Diver Award (Women)Kinzie E. Etzelmiller202415  
    Most Valuable Fencer Award (Men)Jack Griffith20265in memory of Captain Harlow L. Halbower (Class of 1959) and First Lieutenant John P. Skoro, Jr. (Class of 1963) 
    Most Valuable Fencer Award (Women)Jocelyn T. Ratzlaff20246in memory of Mr. Edwin L. Purdy 
    Most Valuable Football Defensive Player AwardBohden M. Richter202338  
    Most Valuable Football Lineman or Special Teams Player AwardPhillip J. Ramsey202427 Association of Graduates of the United States Air Force Academy
    Most Valuable Football Offensive Player AwardThorsen L. Paglialong20248in memory of Captain Martin S. BezyackColonel (Ret) David C. Geuting and Master Sergeant Janice R. Geuting
    Most Valuable Football Player AwardTrey J. Taylor202416 AFA Quarterback Club of Denver
    Most Valuable Golfer Award (Men)Alvaro M. Fonseca202616 Brig Gen (USAF, Ret) John & Sandi Andrew
    Most Valuable Gymnast Award (Men)Oliver Zavel202428in memory of Mr. Jasper D. Ackerman 
    Most Valuable Gymnast Award (Women)Maggie M. Slife202730in memory of Lieutenant Colonel Karolen K. Fahrni (Class of 1985)Ms. Kimberly Davis
    Most Valuable Ice Hockey Player AwardWilliam P. Gavin202420in memory of First Lieutenant Hal K. Henderson (Class of 1967)Mrs. Margo Henderson and Ms. Lisa Marie Henderson Nelson
    Most Valuable Lacrosse Player AwardChristopher S. Bardak202433in memory of First Lieutenant Michael L. Sands (Class of 1971) 
    Most Valuable Soccer Player (Women)Grace A. Sublette202429in memory of Second Lieutenant Gary K. Davis (Class of 1969)Lt Col (Ret) Carl A. Janssen, Jr. and Mrs. Janssen
    Most Valuable Soccer Player Award (Men)Federico C. Mion202432 United States Air Force Academy Colorado Parents’ Club
    Most Valuable Swimmer Award (Men)Thomas J. Nagle III202520in memory of Captain Bryan A. Rye (Class of 1971)Lt Col (Ret) William M. Griffith (Class of 1969)
    Most Valuable Swimmer Award (Women)Alexandra D. Clark202531In honor of Coach Casey ConverseUSAFA Women’s Swimming Alumni
    Most Valuable Tennis Player Award (Men)Arjun A. Kersten202520in memory of Lieutenant General Francis C. Gideon, USAF 
    The Carole Gilchrist Bassett Award for the Most Valuable Tennis Player Award (Women)Arianna Van Houweling202639 The Bassett Family
    Most Valuable Track and Field Athlete Award (Men)Texas T. Tanner202610in memory of Brigadier General James V. G. WilsonThe Wilson Family and Friends
    Most Valuable Track and Field Athlete Award (Women)Taylor E. Rioux202534in memory of Lieutenant General Claire L. Chennault 
    Most Valuable Track and Field Competitor Award (Men)Jalan T. Rivers202534in memory of Mr. Arne U. Arnesen 
    Most Valuable Track and Field Competitor Award (Women)Ava E. Gilliana20249in memory of Lieutenant General Claire L. Chennault 
    Most Valuable Volleyball Player AwardCaroline K. Reinkensmeyer202426 United Services Automobile Association, Mountain States Region
    Most Valuable Water Polo Player AwardThomas A. Leggett20266 Lieutenant Colonel Jeffery Heidmous (Class of 1977), USAF, Retired, and Mrs. Heidmous
    Most Valuable Wrestler AwardWyatt A. Hendrickson20243in memory of First Lieutenant Richard N. Christy II (Class of 1970)Colonel Terry R. Silvester, USAF, Retired (Class of 1970) and Mrs. Janet Christy Silvester
    Physical Education AverageGarrett D. Kuchan202427in memory of Lt Col Paul Edward Bickle (Class of 1970) 
    Outstanding Cadet in Physical EducationGarrett D. Kuchan202427in memory of Captain Dean G. Crowell (Class of 1964) 
  • Schulte Award

    This award honors 1st Lt. Roslyn ‘Roz’ Littmann Schulte, the first female Air Force Academy graduate to be killed in action in the war on terror. It has been awarded since 2010 to recognize an outstanding cadet first class who embodies “impeccable character, unwavering leadership and spirit of service.”

    Watch the 2021 Award and Recognition Ceremony.

    View images of the ceremony.

    AwardCadetClassSqIn Memory ofDonor
    WinnerKaris Kim20243in memory of 1st Lt. Roslyn SchulteSponsored by  the Center for Character and Leadership Development and the Schulte family
    Runner-UpKiana Baruela202423
    Runner-UpMarissa Howard20246
    Runner-UpHilary Nolen202423
    Runner-UpKelly Yoon202423