United States Air Force Academy

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After being dropped off appointees receive a baseball cap. The caps are either red, green or blue to distinguish between the three Prep School squadrons.

  • Alpha Squadron – red
  • Bravo Squadron – green
  • Charlie Squadron – blue

Uniform Issuance

Potential preppies are issued several uniforms such as physical training gear, boots, winter jackets, hats and the Operational Camouflage Pattern (OCP) uniform. Those who wear glasses will be issued an additional pair of uniform military spectacles which will need to be worn at all times during basic training.

Cadet Cadre and Military Training Instructors (MTI)

The Cadre are cadets from the Academy and ROTC who help run Basic Military Training (BMT) and several of them were once Prep School cadet candidates themselves. MTI’s are specialized instructors who are assigned to the Prep School from Lackland AFB, San Antonio for the duration of BMT.

The MTI’s help train the cadre on drill, ceremony, standardization, evaluation and military protocol.  The Cadet Cadre then train the potential preppies on all of these aspects.

Oath of Enlistment

All appointees take the Oath of Enlistment, acknowledging that they are “all in.” At this point they became enlisted members of the Air Force Reserve and placed on active duty for training. The Oath of Enlistment represents a commitment to our country.

Prior enlisted appointees remain on active duty and their existing service contract runs concurrently with their Prep School attendance.

Basic Military Training

The first challenge for potential cadet candidates is the 21-day Basic Military Training (BMT). BMT prepares trainees for Air Force life with a deliberate and objective-based training that includes behavioral and military skills development, drill and ceremony, military courtesies and life management skills.

Although each day is filled with scheduled training activities, for a short time before lights outs, basic trainees can study, write letters, journal or prepare for the next day’s training. Adequate time is allowed for sleep, meals, breaks and religious worship.

Life at 6,890 foot elevation will test physical capabilities and even a moderate training program can be demanding at this elevation. During BMT there is a great deal of running in formation. Trainees also take:

  • Aerobic Fitness Test which is a mile and a half run
  • Physical Fitness Test which includes pull-ups, push-ups, sit-ups, a long jump and a 600-yard run.

Meeting the challenges of BMT requires dedication, sacrifice, stamina and courage. The key to success is attitude and effort.

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