United States Air Force Academy

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U.S. Air Force Academy

Academic Faculty and Staff Directory

Capt Sedej
Captain Owen Sedej


(719) 333-4485

Dr. Seidel
Dr. Jurgen Seidel

Director, High Performance Computing Research Center

(719) 333-9526

Major Seiders (DFMS)
Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Seiders

Assistant Professor

(719) 333-8019

Ethan Salgado
Major Ethan Salgado

Assistant Professor of Operations Research

(719) 333-9286

Dr. Michael Semper


(719) 333-4299

Lieutenant Colonel Lisa Seymour


Capt Shadix
Captain Melanie Shadix

Instructor of Geosciences

(719) 333-8749

Capt Sharlow
Captain Bridget Sharlow


(719) 333-0321

Ms. Sheppard
Ms. Jennifer Sheppard

Associate Professor of Law

(719) 333-2832

Official Photo of Gregory Shoales
Dr., Lt Col (retired) Gregory Shoales

Director, Center for Aircraft Structural Life Extension (CAStLE)

(719) 333-6213

Courtney Short
Lieutenant Colonel Courtney Short

Department Head

Daniel Showalter
Lieutenant Colonel Dan Showalter

Assistant Professor of Astronautics

(719) 333-1693

Maj Shufeldt
Major Colby Shufeldt

Director, Commander's Action Group

(719) 333-3401

Mr. Siefers
Mr. Timothy Siefers

Assistant Professor

(719) 333-9451

Professor Katherine Silz-Carson

Professor of Economics

(719) 333-2597

Official Photo of Justin Simundson
Dr. Justin Simundson

Assistant Professor of History

(719) 333-2119