United States Air Force Academy

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Warriors. Thinkers. Doers. In Air, Space, Cyber & Beyond.

Strategy and Warfare Center (SWC)

Cadet in simulator room.

Advancing Warfighter and Security Horizons…Through Research and Experiential Learning. The Academy’s Strategy and Warfare Center develops agile warfighter-leaders for the U.S. Air Force and Space Forces through education and research of strategic and Joint All-Domain Operations concepts across all levels of war.

Overview The Department of Military and Strategic Studies (MSS) hosts the Strategy and Warfare Center (SWC) in order to provide a venue for experiential learning and cadet opportunities to engage in policy-relevant research with prominent faculty, think tanks, and agencies. The two pillars of the SWC are Research and Experiential Learning. Using a holistic approach to multidisciplinary problems, the SWC is staffed by interdisciplinary faculty from the MSS department. The SWC collaborates with research centers at the Academy and other external agencies to solve the Services’ most pressing concerns.

Purpose First and foremost, SWC enriches cadet learning of military and strategic studies in preparation for their future roles as officers. The center is a learning enterprise where air, space, and cyber warfighters explore their profession, discover how to create advantageous multi-domain effects, and advance institutional effectiveness as change leaders through research and immersive simulations. The center aims to enhance junior officer readiness and impact as they lead our nation’s defense organizations in a complex and highly competitive international environment. The SWC pairs academic education with live-virtual-constructed based experiences in order to teach strategic-to-tactical art and design. Through this experiential learning approach, cadets develop greater understanding and proficiency of modern warfighting as they prepare to assume leadership roles.

Outcomes The center primes pre-commissioned officers’ warrior ethos, national security comprehension, and operational-leadership capabilities for strategic, operational, and tactical decisiveness in the Information Age. The current, shifting defense landscape demands military officers that are capable of adapting to uncertainty and ambiguity from the strategic level to the tactical level. By providing a fully immersive Multi-Domain Lab, current and future scenarios can be war-gamed at all levels of war to develop leadership and decision-making skills while testing the merits of cooperation, competition, and conflict. Through the SWC, cadets will get their formational experiences of what modern, joint all-domain conflict looks, sounds, and feels like––and the importance of air and space power for our nation’s defense.

Research, Publications, and Events

Contact Us

Dr. William “Ox” Hersch, Col, USAF (Ret)
Director, SWC
(719) 333-3281

Lt Col Jonathan McPhilamy
Chair, Air Power & Integration
Director SWC Symposium
(719) 333-9033

Lt Col Ian Bertram
Chief, Multi-Domain Lab
(719) 333-6056

Dr. Brent Talbot
Chief, cadet Engagements & Experiences
(719) 333-9425

Lt Col Melissa McLain
Non-Resident Senior Fellow for Research & Experimentation
University of Colorado, Boulder (PhD Candidate)

MSgt Patrick Pineda
SNCOIC SWC Programs & Resources
(719) 333-3513

Lt Col Brant Tretter
Deputy, SWC Symposium
(719) 333-9427

Mr. Michael “Ski” Golembesky
Multi-Domain Lab Operations Manager
(719) 333-7636

Dr. Buddhika Jayamaha
Chief, MSS Research
(719) 333-9169

Lt Logan Landrum
Resident Research Fellow

Cadet Connor Brezenski
Cadet Research Fellow