Office of Labor and Economic Analysis
"People remain our most valuable resource."
- 2022 National Defense Strategy
"Our people are the bedrock of a strong national defense."
- Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin's message to Cadets at the U.S. Air Force Academy
"From Data-Driven to Evidence-Based."
OLEA provides evidence-based research and analysis across the talent management system to inform strategic personnel policies, programs, and decisions for the Department of Air Force and other Department of Defense customers.
"Our most important resource is our people..." "Our people will remain our greatest advantage."
- Air Force Secretary Kendall's keynote address, AFA Warfare Symposium
We exist to help senior leaders make
better talent management decisions
The Office of Labor and Economic Analysis (OLEA) conducts research, analysis, and thought leadership on labor and economic issues and trends impacting the DAF workforce and all associated policies. OLEA brings truth to bear on the hard people issues facing our senior leaders. We bring data and evidence.
We do this by employing advanced research methods, labor economic theory, causal analysis, and econometric techniques, and by leveraging a team of assigned and affiliated PhD analysts specializing in economics, behavioral science, social science, and management science with people practitioners and data programmers.
Contact Us
For inquiries, please contact the director at (719) 333-2040 or fill out our contact form.