United States Air Force Academy

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Office of Labor and Economic Analysis

"People remain our most valuable resource."
- 2022 National Defense Strategy

"Our people are the bedrock of a strong national defense."
- Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin's message to Cadets at the U.S. Air Force Academy

"Our most important resource is our people..." "Our people will remain our greatest advantage."
- Air Force Secretary Kendall's keynote address, AFA Warfare Symposium


The Office of Labor and Economic Analysis(OLEA) provides evidence-based research and analysis across the talent management system to inform strategic personnel policies, programs, and decisions for the Department of Air Force and other Department of Defense customers.

OLEA applies labor and economic theory…
   leverages academic research and robust workforce data…
    employs advanced econometric tools and techniques…
      conduct evidence-based analysis illuminating…
       causal impacts of personnel policies and programs
        by understanding Airman and Guardian choices.
OLEA studies…
   how talent management systems…
    influence behavior…
     through incentives and other structural designs, and…
      underlying reasons for patterns in personnel outcomes.

Contact Us

For inquiries, please contact the Director at (719) 333-2040.

Join our Team

  • Upcoming available Force Support Field Grade Officer position will be advertised for Summer VML in Fall 2024.
  • Upcoming available PhD researcher position will be advertised in Winter 2024.