United States Air Force Academy

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Our Mission

Our mission is to produce evidence-based research and analysis, rooted in Labor Economic Theory, to inform strategic human capital policies, programs, and decisions for DAF senior leaders. We exist to help senior leaders make better talent management decisions. More specifically, we employ a suite of advanced research and econometrics techniques to perform policy analysis, problem-solving research, and program evaluation.

This image provides a graphical representation of OLEA’s mission, highlighting OLEA’s inputs and outputs, as well as its niche in performing strategic, long-term research studies.


Our Aim

OLEA is widely recognized as the most credible voice in the room on strategic human capital policy issues. OLEA products are driving evidence-based decisions and policies within DAF human capital enterprise. OLEA is the most-desired place to work for world-class researchers and analysts (mil & civ).

This graphic shows OLEA’s core research focus areas, along with their research priorities and products.

OLEA is primarily focused on issues of most concern to DAF senior leaders and seeks to produce work that is connected, timely, and meaningful. Connected to most pressing and important issues, timely enough to inform key decisions or policies, and objectively insightful and meaningful. In pursuit of this, we also seek ways to contribute generalizable knowledge to our disciplines.