United States Air Force Academy

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Carpenter, C. W., Deming, K., Anders, J., Lotspeich‐Yadao, M., Tolbert, C. M., & Ingrao, A. 2024. Do payday lending bans protect or constrain regional economies? Evidence from the Military Lending Act’s final rule. Contemporary Economic Policy, 42(2), 319-335.

Jilke, S., Keppeler, F., Ternovski, J., Vogel, D. and Yoeli, E., 2024. Policy makers believe money motivates more than it does. Scientific Reports, 14(1), p.1901.

Landini, A., Deming, K., & Weiler, S. 2024. Can Bank Density Provide Insights on the Appropriation of Disaster Relief Funds? Evidence from the Paycheck Protection Program. Review of Regional Studies, 54(1), 1-26.

Murphy, Francis X., and Sarah Turner. Accepted. “Work Boots to Combat Boots: Mass Layoffs and Military Enlistment.” Journal of Labor Economics.

Staples, A. J., Deming, K., Malone, T., Carpenter, C. W., & Weiler, S. 2024. Pouring the Paycheck Protection Program into craft beer: PPP employment effects in service-intensive industries. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 21, e00444.


Deming, K., & Weiler, S. 2023. Banking deserts and the paycheck protection program. Economic Development Quarterly, 37(3), 259-276.

Ferguson, Matthew D., and Francis X. Murphy. 2023. “Oh, the Places You’ll Go: Optimizing Enlisted Personnel Assignments in the United States Army Using a Multicriteria Assignment Problem.” Military Operations Research Journal, 28(3), 53-66.

Fone, Z. S. 2023. You Booze, You Lose? Spillovers to Crime from Alcohol Sales at College Football Games. Journal of Sports Economics, 24(2), 193-240.

Fone, Z. S., Friedson, A. I., Lipton, B. J., & Sabia, J. J. 2023. Did the Dependent Coverage Mandate Reduce Crime?. The Journal of Law and Economics, 66(1), 143-182.

Fone, Z. S., Sabia, J. J., & Cesur, R. 2023. The unintended effects of minimum wage increases on crime. Journal of Public Economics, 219, 104780.

Jilke, S., Keppeler, F., Ternovski, J., Vogel, D., & Yoeli, E. (2024). Policy makers believe money motivates more than it does. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 1901.

LaForest, M., 2023. The Effects of High School Career and Technical Education on Employment, Wages, and Educational Attainment. Journal of Human Capital, 17(1), 39-71.

Ternovski, J. 2023. Making sense of voting “habits”: Applying the process model of behavior change to a series of large-scale get-out-the-vote experiments. Journal of Experimental Political Science, 1-16.


Chalfin, A., Kaplan, J. and LaForest, M., 2022. Street light outages, public safety and crime attraction. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 38(4), 891-919.

Mansour, Hani, Daniel I. Rees, Bryson Rintala, and Nathan Wozny. 2022. “The Effects of Professor Gender on the Post-Graduation Outcomes of Female Students.” Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 75(3), 693-715.

Shah, A.K. and LaForest, M., 2022. Knowledge about others reduces one’s own sense of anonymity. Nature, 603(7900), 297-301.

Ternovski, J., Kalla, J. and Aronow, P., 2022. The negative consequences of informing voters about deepfakes: evidence from two survey experiments. Journal of Online Trust and Safety, 1(2).

Ternovski, J. and Orr, L., 2022. A note on increases in inattentive online survey-takers since 2020. Journal of Quantitative Description: Digital Media, 2.


Castleman, Benjamin L., Francis X. Murphy, Richard W. Patterson, and William L. Skimmyhorn. 2021. “Nudges Don’t Work When the Benefits Are Ambiguous: Evidence from a High-Stakes Education Program.”  Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 40(4): 1230-1248.

Chalfin, A., LaForest, M. and Kaplan, J., 2021. Can precision policing reduce gun violence? evidence from “gang takedowns” in New York City. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 40(4), 1047-1082.

Maxwell, Nan and Nathan Wozny. 2021. “Gender Gaps in Time Use and Earnings: What’s Norms Got to Do With It?” Journal of Labor Research 42, 56-77.


Ternovski, J. and Yasseri, T., 2020. Social complex contagion in music listenership: A natural experiment with 1.3 million participants. Social Networks, 61, 144-152.

2019 and Earlier

Allcott, Hunt and Nathan Wozny. 2014. “Gasoline Prices, Fuel Economy, and the Energy Paradox.” Review of Economics and Statistics 96:5 779-795.

Castleman, Benjamin L., Francis X. Murphy, and William L. Skimmyhorn. 2019. “Marching across Generations? Education Benefits and Intra-Household Decision Making.” Journal of Human Capital, 13(3), 410-433.

Coppock, A., Guess, A. and Ternovski, J., 2016. When treatments are tweets: A network mobilization experiment over Twitter. Political Behavior, 38, 105-128.

Duncan, Brian, Hani Mansour, and Bryson Rintala. 2019. “Weighing the Military Option: The Effects of Wartime Conditions on Investments in Human Capital.” Economic Inquiry, 57(1): 264-282.

Maxwell, Nan and Nathan Wozny. 2015. “Understanding the Probability of a Disability Resulting from Work-Related Injuries.” Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 57(11), 1236-1243.

Murphy, Francis X. 2019. “Does Increased Exposure to Peers with Adverse Characteristics Reduce Workplace Performance?  Evidence from a Natural Experiment in the US Army.”  Journal of Labor Economics, 37(2), 435-466.

Rogers, T., Green, D. P., Ternovski, J., & Young, C. F. 2017. Social pressure and voting: A field experiment conducted in a high-salience election. Electoral Studies, 46, 87-100.

Rogers, T., Ternovski, J. and Yoeli, E., 2016. Potential follow-up increases private contributions to public goods. Proceedings of the national academy of sciences, 113(19), 5218-5220.

Rothstein, Jesse, and Nathan Wozny. 2013. “Permanent Income and the Black-White Test Score Gap.” Journal of Human Resources 48:3, 510-544.

Wozny, Nathan, Cary Balser, and Drew Ives. 2018. “Low-Cost Randomized Controlled Trials in Education.” AEA Papers and Proceedings 108, 307-311.

Wozny, Nathan, Cary Balser, and Drew Ives. 2018. “Evaluating the Flipped Classroom: a Randomized Controlled Trial.” Journal of Economic Education 49:2, 115-129.


Bucklen, K. B. and LaForest, M. 2022. ‘Comparing COVID-19 between Prisons and the Community’, Corrections: Policy, Practice and Research, 7(5), pp. 391–397. doi: 10.1080/23774657.2022.2110174.

Clarkwest, Andrew, Andrea Mraz Esposito, Nathan Wozny, Ji-Hyeun Kwon-Min, and Chelsea Swete. 2012. “Analysis of State UI Policies in Support of Efforts to Reduce Work Search Improper Payments.” Washington, DC: Mathematica Policy Research.

Doleac, J. and LaForest, M., 2022. Community Supervision and Public Safety: What We Know and Directions for Future Work. Arnold Ventures Report.

Fox, Mary Kay, Elizabeth Condon, Mary Kay Crepinsek, Katherine Niland, Denise Mercury, Sarah Forrestal, Charlotte Cabili, Vanessa Oddo, Anne Gordon, Nathan Wozny, and Alexandra Killewald. 2012. “School Nutrition Dietary Assessment Study-IV: Volume I: School Foodservice Operations, School Environments, and Meals Offered and Served.” Alexandria, VA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service, Office of Research and Analysis.

Joffrion, Justin and Nathan Wozny. 2015. “Military Retention Incentives: Evidence from the Air Force Selective Reenlistment Bonus.” Upjohn Institute Working Paper 15-226. Kalamazoo, MI: W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research.

Johnson, W. C., LaForest, M., Lissenden, B., & Stern, S. 2017. Variation in mental illness and provision of public mental health services. Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology, 17, 1-30.

Maxwell, Nan, Albert Liu, Nathan Wozny, and Caroline Francis. 2013. “Addressing Return-to-Work Issues in the Federal Employees’ Compensation Act with Administrative Data.” Report submitted to the U.S. Department of Labor, Chief Evaluation Office. Oakland, CA: Mathematica Policy Research.

Murphy, Francis X. (Contributor). 2012.  Guide to Personal Financial Planning for the Armed Forces, 7th edition, by S. Jamie Gayton and Scott P. Handler.  Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books.

Rogers, T., Duncan, T., Wolford, T., Ternovski, J., Subramanyam, S. and Reitano, A., 2017. A Randomized Experiment Using Absenteeism Information to” Nudge” Attendance. REL 2017-252. Regional Educational Laboratory Mid-Atlantic.

Schochet, Peter Z., Ron D’Amico, Jillian Berk, and Nathan Wozny. 2012. “The Impacts of the Trade Adjustment Assistance Program on Participants’ Outcomes” and “Methodological Notes on the Impact Analysis.” Reports submitted to the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration. Princeton, NJ: Mathematica Policy Research.

Schneider, Karl F., David S. Lyle, and Francis X. Murphy. 2015. “Framing the Big Data Ethics Debate for the Military.”  Joint Forces Quarterly, 77: 16-23.

Wozny, Nathan. 2019. “Blended Retirement System Retention Analysis: Data and Methodology Development.” Report submitted to the U.S. Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness. U.S. Air Force Academy, CO.

Wozny, Nathan, Andrea Mraz Esposito, Andrew Clarkwest, Chelsea Swete, and Ji-Hyeun Kwon-Min. 2012. “Recommendations to OUI in Support of Efforts to Reduce Work Search Improper Payments.” Washington, DC: Mathematica Policy Research.

Wozny, Nathan, Justin Joffrion, Nick Mastronardi, Katherine Silz-Carson, and Scott Carrell. “Impact of the Air Force Selective Reenlistment Bonus Program on Retention.” 2013. Report submitted to the U.S. Department of the Air Force, Force Management Policy (AF/A1P). U.S. Air Force Academy, CO.