The Proving Ground
Jacks Valley
The second part of basic cadet training takes place at Jacks Valley. The march out to the 3,300 acre training complex, a time honored tradition, includes senior leadership, faculty, as well as graduates of the U.S. Air Force Academy.
Once the basic cadets arrive they set up a tent encampment and prepare for 2 weeks of physically intensive military training.
While at Jacks Valley, basic cadets complete several courses:
- The Obstacle Course
- The Leadership Reaction Course – small groups of basic cadets solve problems and cross obstacles
- The Confidence Course – basic cadets must overcome high and particularly challenging obstacles that are not normally completed for time
- The Assault Course – a physically and mentally strenuous course where basic cadets are put through combat like situations with simulated small arms fire, artillery explosions, and obstacles.
- Chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear defense (CBRNE) – information on CBRNE and tear gas training.
- Self Aid Buddy Care – basic first aid.
- Combat Arms Training and Maintenance – small arms training
Other groups use the facility for combat survival and weapons training.