United States Air Force Academy

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Gain High Demand Skills for Today's Air Force

Computer Science

Cadet making adjustments to drone equipment.

The Computer Science major focuses on computer programming, software engineering and computing theory. The skills and abilities taught are in high demand and may be applied in all U.S. Air Force career fields. Computer Science majors who become cyber operations officers conduct offensive and defensive cyber operations; establish and operate combat communications capabilities; operate, maintain and defend computer and communications networks; provide command and control capabilities; and contribute to the development and acquisition of new systems.

Computer Science majors who become pilots (including test pilots) will have greater insight into their aircraft and weapons systems highly dependent on software systems. They might also contribute to units by developing applications that improve mission effectiveness through operations support, data analysis, scheduling and resource management.

The Computer Science program is accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET, www.abet.org.

Potential Job Assignments
Within the Air Force
  • 17X – Cyber operations officer
  • 11X – Pilot
  • 14X – Intelligence
  • 71SX – Office of Special Investigations
  • 13X – Space and Missile Operations
Outside the Air Force
  • Computer Programmer
  • Software Developer
  • Business or Systems Analyst
  • Computer Organization and Architecture
  • Information Storage and Retrieval
  • Software Dev for Mobile Devices
  • Artificial Intelligence
Beh Sci 110
Chem 100
Physics 110
English 111
History 100
Math 141
Math 142
CompSci 110
For Lang 1
For Lang 2
Comp Sci 210
Comp Sci 220
Comp Sci 351
Math 340
Physics 215
Bio 215 / Chem 200
Philos 210
ECE 315
English 211
Law 220
MSS 251
CompSci 330
CompSci 350
CompSci 467
CS Math Opt
MechEng 220
Econ 201
CompSci 364
CompSci 380
CompSci 483
Pol Sci 211
Math 356
Adv Open Opt
CompSci 426
CompSci 453
CompSci 454
CompSci Opt 1
CompSci Opt 2
AeroEng 315
SocSci 311
Hist 300
AstroEng 310
Adv Socio

Computer Science majors must take Introduction to Programming (Comp Sci 210) in the fall of their 3-degree year or validate the course.


The Computer Science degree is accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET, www.abet.org.

Program Educational Objectives

To ensure the success of our graduates, we prepare them to achieve the following Program Educational Objectives within two to five years after graduation:

  • Recognition as successful Air Force officers through demonstration of their ability to:
    • Rapidly acquire required knowledge
    • Lead others effectively
    • Apply ethical and moral standards
    • Improve unit performance by application of organizational skills
    • Make sound decisions based on critical thinking
    • Communicate effectively
  • Selection for career training on, or ahead of, schedule, and for a progression of assignments of increasing responsibility
  • Demonstrated ability to solve Air Force technical problems
  • Success in continuing education

These objectives are assessed through Student Outcomes—the skills, knowledge and behaviors students should acquire before graduation.

Student outcomes

Graduates of our program will have the ability to:

  • Analyze a complex computing problem and to apply principles of computing and other relevant disciplines to identify solutions
  • Design, implement, and evaluate a computing-based solution to meet a given set of computing requirements in the context of the program’s discipline
  • Communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts
  • Recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing practice based on legal and ethical principles
  • Function effectively as a member or leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate to the program’s discipline
  • Apply computer science theory and software development fundamentals to produce computing-based solutions
  • Apply security principles and practices to maintain operations in the presence of risks and threats

The number of cadets graduated or enrolled in the Computer Science major in May of the indicated year are listed below:


2354 Fairchild Drive, Suite 6G-101
United States Air Force Academy, CO 80840
(719) 333-3590 | DSN 333-3590