United States Air Force Academy

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Basic Sciences Division


Cadet working in biology lab

Study different facets of biology within our molecular biology lab, life sciences research center, aerospace physiology lab, genetics lab, cadaver lab and greenhouse.


Are you interested in what makes your body function? Are you fascinated by the vast diversity of living organisms on this planet? Does the idea of decoding a strand of DNA interest you? The U.S. Air Force Academy’s Department of Biology helps cadets pursue these interests through academic instruction, practical laboratory experience and individual research projects.

Our graduates pursue careers in medicine or dentistry or in the Biomedical Sciences Corps (including aerospace physiology, bioenvironmental engineering and physical therapy).

Our department boasts numerous facilities and learning resources including a molecular biology lab, life sciences research center, aerospace physiology lab, genetics lab, cadaver lab and greenhouse. Extensive undergraduate research opportunities also exist for a variety of sub-disciplines within the department.

Learn about Biology Outreach Programs.

Biology Faculty and Staff


Department News News From Around The Department

May 8, 2024

Rodeo club provides leadership lessons in a different arena

Cadet 1st Class Robert Ball rides his horse Ferg in the U.S. Air Force Academy Rodeo Club arena April 29, 2024. Members develop leadership and teamwork skills. (U.S. Air Force photo by Trevor Cokley) By Randy Roughton U.S. Air Force Academy Strategic Communications U.S. AIR FORCE ACADEMY, Colo. – U.S. Air Force Academy Rodeo Club members enjoy a respite from the rigors of cadet life as they spend quality time with their horses. Cadet equestrians also develop their leadership and teamwork skills they expect to find useful in their careers as future officers. The rodeo club arena provides another setting...

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March 18, 2024

Experts help cadets understand the future of war-fighting

U.S. Air Force Academy Cadet 1st Class Lauren Blackwelder flies a simulator in the Multi-Domain Laboratory during the Firstie Flag exercise Feb. 10, 2024. The Institute for Future Conflict places cadets in the lab to provide a glimpse into missions in a potential conflict with a great-power adversary. (U.S. Air Force photo by Travis Cokley) By Randy Roughton U.S. Air Force Academy Strategic Communications U.S. AIR FORCE ACADEMY, Colo. – First-class cadets eyeing the roles they will play in competition with other world powers will face different adversaries and threats than previous generations of officers. The Institute for Future Conflict...

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December 6, 2023

Team wins gold for iGEM research in Paris

U.S. Air Force Academy Cadet 1st Class Cosmo Cao conducts an experiment as part of his research. Cao was part of the Academy’s 17-cadet iGEM team that earned a gold medal for their Lyme disease research during the international Genetic Engineering Machine Grand Jamboree in Paris Nov. 2-5, 2023. (Photo courtesy of Dr. Jordan Steel) By Randy Roughton and Jeff Troth U.S. Air Force Academy Strategic Communications  U.S. AIR FORCE ACADEMY, Colo.- The U.S. Air Force Academy iGEM team’s Lyme disease research helped them win a gold medal at the international Genetic Engineering Machine Grand Jamboree Nov. 2-5. The gold...

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United States Air Force Academy, CO 80840
(719) 333-2720 | DSN 333-2720
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