- How do I register to become a sponsor?
Contact our office anytime by sending us a request via email (cadet.sponsor@afacademy.af.edu) and we’ll send you the sponsor packet with detailed information. You may also call our office at (719) 333-2727; please leave a voicemail spelling out your first/last names and email address where we may send the packet.
- What is the minimum age requirement to be a sponsor family to cadets? Minimum rank requirement if military or DoD affiliate?
One must be at least 28 years old to be a sponsor to cadets. You may also qualify by your military rank: E-6 and above; O-3 and above, civilian DoD affiliates of GS-5 and above.
- We are a civilian family and have no military affiliation. Can we sponsor cadets?
Yes, as long as your residence is within 50 miles of the Academy. You just need to submit an additional two letters of recommendation from a neighbor, employer, or friends you’ve known for at least 5 years.
- A basic cadet requested that we be their sponsor when he/she did the initial paperwork at the time of receiving an appointment to the Academy. Do I need to do anything else?
Yes. You will need to contact our office to confirm that you do indeed want to sponsor the cadet. If you are a new sponsor, you will need to complete the application packet.
- We live part-time in Colorado Springs. Can we be sponsors to cadets?
No. Sponsor families must reside full-time in the greater Colorado Springs area or within 50 miles of the Academy. You must be present in the home anytime cadets are over.
- Family friends of ours live a few miles outside of the 50-mile allowable distance to be sponsors. Will they be allowed to register to sponsor our son/daughter?
The family may sponsor cadets unofficially. They do not have to register in our program. Cadets need only to provide their squadron leadership the family’s contact information when signing out to spend time with them. Our office does not collect unofficial family info, but squadron AOC/AMTs do.
- Can I use a digital signature to sign my family bio letter?
No, unless you can sign with a CAC (military/DoD access card). Please wet sign all documents for efficient processing.
- We’ve sponsored cadets for a while. Do we have to go to Sponsor Training Session again?
Yes, at some point. You must attend Sponsor Training Sessions every 3 years. Attendance is mandatory to maintain eligibility for DBIDS badges, which must be renewed every year. Information on the dates and locations of upcoming sessions is included in most communication from our office; please feel free to call or email to find out when you next need to attend.
- How do we renew our expiring DBIDS Badges?
Approximately 10 business days before they expire, contact our office at cadet.sponsor@afacademy.af.edu and request the DBIDS Renewal form to complete. After submission, we ask that you allow at least 10 business days to hear back from us with instructions on where/when to go to pick up a renewal badge. As long as you are within 3 years of your last training date, you are eligible for renewals.
- We would like to host more than just one cadet on Basic Cadet Day Out. Are we obligated to sponsor all those we host on DDO?
No, you are not obligated to sponsor all the basic cadets you host on this one-day event. You may request to sponsor however many you have room for in your home (or in your vehicle when picking up).
- How do I register to become a sponsor?
- Are all cadets assigned to sponsor families or is it an option?
Cadets now have an option to ‘Opt Out’ of the program. They need to notify us using their student email address and request to opt out. We will then place a code in their files to ensure they aren’t assigned to anyone. Some of those that opt out of the program are either spending time with family friends who live outside of the 50-mile allowable distance to be a sponsor family in our program, or are older cadets who feel they don’t need the extra support.
- How much time is expected of us as sponsors?
That would be up to you and the cadets. The freshmen (aka basic cadets) will be very busy during their first year, but may be more available during their sophomore year and beyond. You may see more of them after their sports seasons and during breaks (Winter/Spring/Summer breaks).
- How early can I pick up my cadets? How late can we drop them back off?
Cadets may be picked up as early as 6 a.m. (when Northgate opens) and must return to the cadet area by 7 p.m. on Sundays.
- How often can we expect to see our cadets?
Each cadet has his/her own schedule. The cadet will be the one to let you know when they are available to spend a day or two with your family. Feel free to contact them anytime with an invitation, though!
- What are “sponsor passes” and how are they used by the cadets?
Sponsor passes are privileges earned by the cadets. Whether earned as a squadron, a group or on their own. They are meant to boost morale, to be used to visit and spend time with their sponsor families to relax and recharge.
- I heard about cadets using their “free sponsor passes” on Sundays. What does that entail?
Cadets may attend church and spend a Sunday with their sponsors without being charged a sponsor pass.
- Will we see our assigned cadets every weekend?
Probably not during their first year as a cadet, but again… it depends on their schedules.
- Are cadets allowed to sleep over every weekend?
Not every weekend, at least for the basic cadets (freshmen). Each night they sleep over costs two Sponsor passes and they are allowed two sleepovers each semester. The upperclassmen have more freedom and may ask to come over more often than the freshmen and sophomores.
- Are we required to provide our cadets their own bedrooms when they come over?
No, but it’s appreciated and recommended if possible, if only to provide them a quiet space of their own to do homework or relax. Providing separate rooms to separate genders is always a good idea. Most will sleep their weekends away if you let them.
- If the freshman class gets their laundry done for free, why do they bring laundry to my house?
The sooner you let them know of your house rules, the better. Most will ask to do laundry at your house simply because it’s faster (not days of waiting), and the chance of losing any items is easily avoided.
- What items are not allowed for my freshman cadet to bring back to the dorms?
The basic cadets cannot bring perishable items equivalent to more than one meal. They are not allowed to have refrigerators until they are 2 Degrees/Firsties. They are not allowed to wear civilian clothing until after Recognition in March. If you are unsure, the cadets will let you know. Just ask!
- What type of items can we give our cadets for their birthdays?
You may drop off items such as birthday cakes/cupcakes (with paper products/utensils), small gifts, AAFES gift cards, Subway, Domino’s pizza, etc. The freshmen/sophomores are not allowed certain items in their dorm rooms (especially perishables). Some families celebrate with the cadets in their homes. Connect with their parents for ideas on what their son/daughter would like. Call or email our office for cake with delivery info and other recommendations.
- How do I find out what events we can attend to support our cadets?
Please follow the official U.S. Air Force Academy Facebook page as events that sponsors/parents can attend will be posted. The USAFA Sponsor Parents Facebook group will also post announcements, invitations, and information on the page. You must be a registered sponsor family to join the USAFA Sponsor Parents group.
- Can our cadet athletes get us free tickets to their games?
Yes! Let them know in advance that you would like to attend and they can add you to a list that is given to the ticket office. You can then pick up your tickets from the Will Call ticket line. If applicable, you would only pay for parking (like at the Falcon Stadium).
- What do we do if it’s not working out between my family and the cadets assigned to us?
Send us an email with your concerns and we can either resolve the issue with the same cadet or assign another cadet in his/her place. You may be the best match on paper but may not be compatible at all in person. These things happen. We are happy to work this out with you and the cadets.
- Are all cadets assigned to sponsor families or is it an option?
- Where can we meet/pick up our cadets?
In time, you will discover the easiest route for your cadet to get to you. Most meet their sponsors at the Vandy ECP (the guard gate closest to the tennis courts), the upper Harmon Hall parking lots near Arnold Hall and Planetarium, or the back gates closest to Sijan Hall.
- Where can I drop off items for my cadet to pick up?
You may drop items off at the Arnold Hall Cadet Activities office located in Arnold Hall, right outside of Richter Lounge. Items must be clearly labeled with the cadet’s first/last name, followed by their Squadron Number. You are required to contact the cadet to pick up items. Perishable items must be picked up within 24 hours or they will be tossed.
- Are cadets allowed to drive our vehicles? We hear they aren’t allowed to drive the first 2 years.
Freshmen and sophomore cadets are not allowed to own/maintain their own vehicles until the summer after their sophomore year. It’s up to you, the vehicle owners, whether or not you’ll let cadets drive your vehicles. You have every right to simply say “no.” Many families offer rides around town instead. Discuss the car rules with your cadet early on.
- Are we expected to drive the cadets to the airports?
No, you are not expected to drive them to the airports. You may want to let your cadet know early on whether or not you are willing to take them to the airport. We post info on the Outdoor Rec buses in September that cadets may sign up to ride ($30 one-way, $50 round trip). There is a local shuttle that charges a discounted rate for cadets and has more pick-up time slots and off-base meet-up areas.
- Where can we meet/pick up our cadets?
- Why are we not allowed to enter the cadet area to drop off my cadets closer to where they live?
Unless you are a cadet or a staff member who works in the Cadet Area, you will not be able to enter the Cadet Area, even with the cadets in your vehicle. Proximity Cards are issued only to cadets, professors, Active duty staff members and Civilian staff members.
- During medical emergencies, can we take the cadet to the nearest non-military hospital?
Absolutely! The cadets have access to the hospital on base, but in case of emergencies, you may bring them to the nearest hospital in town.
- Are we allowed to accompany our cadet during medical emergencies/procedures at the hospital?
Some hospital visits may not allow anyone except family or in their case, the AOC/AMT to accompany them. Though it wouldn’t hurt to ask their AOC/AMT, and especially the cadet.
- Why are we not allowed to enter the cadet area to drop off my cadets closer to where they live?
- What other ways can we contact our cadets when emails go unanswered?
This year, we are requiring cell phone numbers be provided via the Appointee Portal and we will be sharing their cell phone numbers with their assigned sponsor families. Most cadets prefer to communicate via text messages. In case of emergencies, you may contact their squadron AOC/AMTs. You may also contact our office and we’ll do what we can to help you reach your cadet.
- Can I contact my basic cadet while he/she is in basic training?
Cadets do not have access to their cell phones or computers while in basic training. However, you are welcome to send them notes by mail in plain, white envelopes (no packages or scented mail). Please contact our office by email or phone to obtain the P.O. box number of your cadet(s).
- I don’t see my question on this list. Who should I contact?
Please call our office at (719) 333-2727 or send an email to cadet.sponsor@afacademy.af.edu
- What other ways can we contact our cadets when emails go unanswered?