United States Air Force Academy

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Graduate Studies and Scholarship

The Graduate Studies and Scholarship program helps all qualified cadets compete for opportunities to attend graduate school following graduation from the U.S  Air Force Academy.Cadets have earned the prestigious Rhodes, Marshall, Fulbright, and other distinguished scholarships to advance their education and careers as commissioned officers in the Air Force and Space Force. Many of these officers will return to teach at the Academy later in their careers. Since 2021, close to 20% of the graduating student body has been placed into graduate programs.


The GSS program assists the Dean of Faculty in identifying highly qualified cadets to attend graduate school as their first assignment after the Academy. Typically, GSS sends cadets to graduate school through one of the following programs:

  • Nationally and internationally competitive scholarships
  • The Academy’s graduate school program
  • Air Force and Space Force career field programs
  • Medical and dental graduate school programs

The GSS also administers the Leader-Scholar program (STAMPS Scholarship, which provides Academy cadets with funds for undergraduate research and enrichment.


For more information about the Graduate Studies and Scholarship program, please contact

Graduate Studies