United States Air Force Academy

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Examining Events that Shape the World

Political Science

Political Science cadets.

The political science major offers a course of studies tailored to the needs of prospective Air Force officers through the study of power, conflict and government and an examination of the actors, institutions and behaviors that influence them in the national and international context.

This major is uniquely capable of preparing cadets to comprehend the political events, both domestic and international, that will shape their careers. Cadets will examine topics such as political theories and ideologies, comparative politics, international relations, American politics, international security, defense decision-making, civil-military relations, the politics of foreign governments, organizational behavior and international political economy.

The political science major is very flexible, allowing cadets to study areas in-depth or to examine a variety of political topics. Additionally, cadets can earn any of the minors offered at the Academy (foreign language, philosophy, nuclear weapons and strategy, or religion studies) with a Political Science major and two or fewer additional courses.

The Political Science major offers four areas of concentration:

  • American politics
  • International relations
  • Comparative politics and area studies
  • National security policy

Cadets can also work with an advisor to tailor a program to meet their individual needs.

Sample Courses
  • International Security: Political Violence and Terrorism
  • Regime Change: Coups, Revolutions and Democratization
  • U.S. National Space Policy or Cyber Security Policy
  • Politics of Latin America
Beh Sci 110
Chem 100
Com Sci 110
English 111
For Lang 1
For Lang 2
History 100
Math 141
Math 142
Physics 110
Econ 201
English 211
Engr Mech 220
Law 220
MSS 251
Pol Sci 211
Soc Sci 212
Math 300
Adv STEM option
Aero Engr 315
ECE 315
Philos 310
Pol Sci 300
Pol Sci 301
Pol Sci 302
Pol Sci 394
History 300
Pol Sci Basket
Pol Sci Basket
Pol Sci Basket
Astro Engr 310
Advanced sociocultural opt
Advanced open opt
Pol Sci 491
Pol Sci Basket
Pol Sci Opt
Pol Sci Opt
Pol Sci Opt
Pol Sci Opt
Pol Sci Opt


Dr. John Riley
Professor of Political Science/Deputy Department Head
(719) 333-2388

Want to Study Political Science?