United States Air Force Academy

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To Teach History for the Profession of Arms


Cadet looking up in library atrium.

Understanding history is critical for an Air Force officer. The study of history involves critical thinking, analysis, writing, and oral presentations—all essential skills for any Air Force officer regardless of Air Force Specialty Code. In addition, studies of foreign cultures, evolution of technology, and military history directly relate to many “real world” duty situations. Most importantly, History provides a natural forum for discussion of great leaders and their decisions, past and present. Their lessons are invaluable to future Air Force officers. Consider: the current Chief of Staff of the Air Force’s recommended reading list is almost all history and biography (i.e. personal history).

The Department of History offers four options of study, as well as the flexibility to build a customized study program. The four options are: American, General, International, and Military History.

For information on the History major, see the Course of Instruction Handbook.


With a history degree you can do any job in the Air Force, except for a few fields like developmental engineering, civil engineering, or weather. Remember that selection to your choice of career field, including Undergraduate Pilot Training, is based primarily on your grade point average. Studying a subject you enjoy will generally result in better grades, thus improving your chances of receiving the career field of choice.

The Department of History (DFH) faculty includes scholar-airmen from more than a dozen Air Force specialties, from pilots to regional affairs specialists to intelligence; we have all ranks from Captain to Colonel, as well as civilian Doctorates. How far can you go with a history degree in the Air Force? A recent Chief of Staff of the Air Force, General Ronald R. Fogleman, is an historian who once taught in the DFH.

  • History 332: History of U.S. Foreign Relations
  • History 352: The History of Modern America
  • History 363: Unconventional Warfare
  • History 367: Ancient, Medieval & Early Modern Warfare
  • History 368: World War II
  • History 375: History of the Modern Middle East
  • Humanities 430: The Holocaust
Beh Sci 110
Chem 100
Com Sci 110
English 111
Leadership 100
For Lang 1
For Lang 2
History 100
Math 141
Math 142
Physics 110
P/C/B Opt
Econ 201
English 211
Engr Mech 220
History 230
History 300
Law 220
MSS 251
Philos 310
Leadership 200
Pol Sci 211
P/C/B Opt
Area History Opt 1
History 351
Aerospace Power
ECE 315
Adv STEM Opt
Adv Sociocultural Opt
History Opt 1
Area Hist Opt 2
History 352
Aero Engr 315
Math 300
Leadership 300
Hist Opt 2
Humanities Opt
History Capstone
Adv Open Opt
Soc Sci 311
History Opt 3
Hist Opt 4
Hist Opt 5
Open Academic Opt
Astro Engr 310
Leadership 400

DFH will accept validation credit for History 300 for AP/IB World History with an appropriate score. DFH will accept validation credit for either History 351 or 352 for AP/IB U.S. History with an appropriate score. See DFH/Advisor-in-Charge (AIC) to discuss further.


Cadets majoring in History can apply for summer and/or spring break tours of foreign countries. Some trips focus on a military theme such as tours of battlefields and other historical sites, while some emphasize the cultural and political history of foreign countries. Our cadets have recently traveled to France, Belgium, England, and India. There are additional site visits within the U.S. to historical sites, conferences, museums, military reunions and battlefields. Cadets also have opportunities to design their own trip in conjunction with their faculty member/sponsor.

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Harmon Memorial Lectures

Contact Us

Dr. Meredith Scott
Cadet Advisor-in-Charge
(719) 333-4059

Dr. Doug Kennedy
DFH Faculty Personnel Officer
(719) 333-4112

Dr. Douglas Leonard
DFH Deputy Dept. Head
(719) 333-8529

Want to Study History?