United States Air Force Academy

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Influence Your Military Career with a Foreign Language


Cadet reviewing notes on laptop computer.

HOW CAN I BENEFIT FROM FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDY? Beyond helping to understand culture and broadening your worldview, studying a foreign language can influence your military career. Our ever-expanding global Air Force mission not only demands increasing foreign language capability to support the national security military strategies, but also provides challenging assignment opportunities for those looking for experience and diversification. Officers with foreign language proficiency are candidates for opportunities such as the Language Enabled Airmen Program (LEAP), graduate school, serving as a Foreign Area Officer, and competing to become an Olmsted Scholar or an Air Attaché at an embassy abroad.


Cadets majoring in any academic discipline may earn a specific language minor provided they complete five language courses beyond the 100-level, in the same language with a grade of ‘C’ or better, and take the Defense Language Proficiency Test (DLPT) no later than two months prior to graduation. Cadets who validate at or above the 300 level may count two of the validated upper level courses toward the minor and only take three courses in residence. Cadet Summer Language Immersion Program (CSLIP) courses (i.e. Arabic 400/401, Chinese 400/401, etc.) can also fill course requirements for the minor.


(Must have completed or validated Chinese 131/132, Basic Chinese, to enroll):

Course Title
Chinese 221 Intermediate I: Refinement of Language Skills
Chinese 222 Intermediate II: Continued Development of Language Skills
Chinese 321 Advanced I: Capstone Course for Skills Development
Chinese 322 Advanced II: Follow-on Capstone Course for Skills Development
Chinese 365 Civilization and Culture
Chinese 410 Current Events
Chinese 420 Introduction to Literature
Chinese 495 Special Topics
Chinese 499 Independent Study

Dr. Robert Carriedo
Director of Academics
(719) 333-8648