United States Air Force Academy

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Wings of Blue


The primary mission of the Wings of Blue is to run the U.S. Air Force Academy’s Basic Freefall Parachuting course, known as Airmanship 490 (AM-490). The team serves primarily as jumpmasters and instructors, forging leaders of character through this unique training experience. The AM-490 course is the only certified jump program in the world where students make their first freefall jump without assistance. Each year, over 700 cadets take the AM-490 course, “Stand In The Door”, and earn their jump wings.

Cadets practicing skydiving form on mat.
Cadets on wooden platform.
Instructor suspended in harness.
Cadet suspended in harness.
Cadets boarding skydiving plane.
Cadets boarding skydiving plane.
Paratrooper coming in for landing.
Skydiving cadets carrying gear.
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