United States Air Force Academy

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Dr. Anthony Ries

Research Psychologist of Behavioral Sciences and Leadership

Department of Behavioral Sciences and Leadership

Official photo of  Dr. Anthony Ries
Contact Information

(719) 333-6185




Ph.D., Cognitive Psychology, UNC-Chapel Hill (2007)

Master of Arts, Cognitive Psychology, UNC-Chapel Hill (2003)

Bachelor of Science, Psychology (Magna Cum Laude), Northwest Missouri State University (2000)

Study Abroad, Imperial College, London England (1998)

Professional Experience

U.S. Army Research Laboratory, Human Research and Engineering, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland (2009-Present)

U.S. Air Force Academy, Warfighter Effectiveness Research Laboratory (WERC), Colorado (2018-Present)

Trideum Corporation, Human System Integration (HSI), Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland (2007-2009)

HumanCentric Technologies, Cary, North Carolina, (2000-2001)

Honors & Awards

Parasuraman Award for Innovative Application – 2nd International Neuroergonomics Conference (2018)

Camouflage detection: Cost-benefit analysis for Afghan National Army-Office of Secretary of Defense ($300K) (2017)

Isolating endogenous and exogenous sources of variability in visual perception ($400K per year) (2016-2019)

ARL publication award (2016)

Automation Through Neurally Decoded Intent (ANDI) Institute for Collaborative Biotechnology (ICB) ($80K per year) (2013-2017)

Advanced Video Analytics and Analysis (AVAA). JIEDDO ($100K) (2014-2015)

Research and Development Achievement award (ARL) (2014)

Advanced Video Analytics and Analysis (AVAA). JIEDDO ($250K) (2013-2014)

RSVP Based Adaptive Virtual Environment through Neural Processing (RAVEN) Institute for Collaborative Biotechnology (ICB). ($100K per year) (2010-2013)

NeuroNAV – EEG based navigation in virtual environments. DARPA. ($27,000) (2010)

Research and Scholarly Interests

My current research involves integrating EEG and eye-tracking to understand visual perception in real world tasks as well as using EEG, eye-tracking and behavior to estimate cognitive state.


Ries, A.J., Slayback, D., & Touryan, J. (in press). The Fixation-related Lambda Response: Effecgts of Saccade Magnitude, Spatial Frequency, and Ocular Artifact Removal. International Journal of Psychophysiology.

Bradford, J.C., Lukos, J.R., Passaro, A., Ries, A.J., Ferris, D.P (submitted). Effect of Locomotor Demands on Cognitive Processing.

Touryan, J., Lawhern, V.J., Connolly, P.M, Bigdely-Shamlo, N., & Ries, A.J. (2017). Isolating discriminant neural activity in the presence of eye movements and concurrent task demands. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.

Brouwer, AM., Hogervorst, M.A., Oudejans, B., Ries, A.J., & Touryan, J. (2017). EEG and eye tracking signatures of target encoding during structured visual search. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.

Cecotti, H., and Ries, A.J. (2017). Best practice for single-trial detection of event-related potentials: application to brain-computer interfaces. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 111, 156-169.

Ries, A.J., Touryan, J., Connolly, P. and Ahrens, B. (2016). The Impact of Task Demands on Fixation-related Brain Potentials during Guided Search. PLOS One DOI:10.1371

Touryan J, Lance B, Kerick S, Ries A.J., & McDowell K. (2016) Common EEG Features for Behavioral Estimation in Disparate, Real-World Tasks. Biological Psychology, 114, 93-107.

Marathe, A., Ries, A.J., Lawhern, V.J., Lance, B.J., Touryan, J., McDowell, K. and Cecotti, H. Effect of target and non-target similarity on neural classification performance: A boost from confidence. Frontiers in Neuroscience 9:270.

Files, B.T., Lawhern, V.J., Ries, A.J., and Marathe, A.R. (2016). A permutation test of unbalanced paired comparisons of global field power. Brain Topography, 29, 345-357.

Ries, A.J., Hairston, D.W., Touryan, J., Vettel, J., McDowell, K. A. (2014). Comparison of EEG Signals Acquired from Conventional and Wireless Systems. Journal of Neuroscience and Neuroengineering, 3, 10-20.

Hairston, W.D., Whitaker, K.W., Ries, A.J., Vettel, J.M., Bradford, J.C., Kerick, S.E., & McDowell, K. (2014). Usability of four commercially-oriented EEG systems. Journal of Neural Engineering, 11, 14pp.

Touryan, J., Apker, G., Lance, B.J., Kerick, S.E., Ries, A.J., and McDowell, K. (2014). Estimating endogenous changes in task performance from EEG. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 8, 1-17.

Ries, A.J. & Hopfinger, J.B. (2011). Parvocellular and Magnocellular Influences on Reflexive Attention. Vision Research, 16, 1820-1828.

Ries, A.J. & Vettel, J. (2010). Augmenting Test and Evaluation Assessments Using Eye-tracking and Electroencephalography. International Test and Evaluation Association.31, 275-279.

Edwards, C., Dunham, D., Barnett, J. & Ries, A. (2006). Symptoms of traumatic stress and substance use in a non-clinical sample of young adults. Addictive Behaviors: reference # Addictbeh-D-05-00152.

Hopfinger, J.B & Ries, A.J. (2005). Automatic versus Contingent Mechanisms of Sensory-Driven Neural Biasing and Reflexive Attention. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 17, 1341-1352.