Ph.D, Astronautical Engineering, Air Force Institute of Technology (2014)
Master of Science, Aerospace Engineering, University of Texas-Austin (2008)
Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering, State University of New York, University at Buffalo (2004)
Bachelor of Science, Mathematics, State University of New York, College at Fredonia (2004)
Professional Experience
Astronautics Lab Director and Assistant Professor, U.S. Air Force Academy (2010 – 2011)
Instructor, U.S. Air Force Academy (2009 – 2010)
Responsive Space International Programs Lead, Air Force Research Lab, Space Vehicles Directorate (2005 – 2007)
Spacecraft Mechanical Engineer, Air Force Research Lab (2004 – 2005)
Honors & Awards
John Witry Award (2011)
Roger Bate Award (2010)
Outstanding Academy Educator, Astronautics (2010)
Research and Scholarly Interests
Trajectory optimization
Small satellite engineering/design/testing
Showalter, Daniel J., and Jonathan Black. “Responsive Theater Maneuvers via Particle Swarm Optimization.” Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets. 51.6 (2014): 1976-1985.
Showalter, Daniel J., and Jonathan T. Black. “Near-optimal geostationary transfer maneuvers with cooperative en-route inspection using hybrid optimal control.” Acta Astronautica 105.2 (2014): 395-406.
Showalter, Daniel J. Optimal autonomous spacecraft resiliency maneuvers using metaheuristics. Dissertation. Air Force Institute of Technology, 2014.
Showalter, Daniel J., and Jonathan T. Black. “Optimal Continuous-Thrust Responsive Theater Maneuvers.” Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets 52.5 (2015): 1375-1387.
Goff, Gary M., et al. “Parameter requirements for noncooperative satellite maneuver reconstruction using adaptive filters.” Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 38.3 (2015): 361-374.