United States Air Force Academy

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Natural disasters, major accidents and hostile attacks

Emergency Response

Emergency Response scene

The Readiness and Emergency Management office at the U.S. Air Force Academy provides Emergency Management (EM) oversight for planning, training, equipment, evaluation, and notification in the event of a full spectrum of natural disasters, major accidents and hostile attacks in compliance with the National Incident Management System, National Response Plan, and Air Force Incident Management System.

The office is directly responsible for writing two major U.S. Air Force Academy plans and coordinating numerous others. The office conducts several types of EM training to include:

  • Chemical, Biological, Radiation, Nuclear and High-Yield Explosive (CBRNE) Survival Skills
  • Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
  • Disaster Control Group
  • Unit EM Representative and Unit Control Center (UCC)

This office also serves at the Civil Engineer unit deployment and force protection programs manager. Call the readiness phone number at (719) 333-2781.