Events at the Academy
My organization is not assigned to USAFA or is a Non-Federal Entities (NFE) but has held events many times in the past. Will we still be required to submit requests for every event?
Yes. Event organizers should not assume that having an event at USAFA in the past implies future support.
I am with an outside agency, what priority will my event have?
Organizations not assigned to USAFA will receive the lowest priority for event execution. This includes Department of the Air Force (DAF), Department of Defense (DoD), or United States Government (USG) organizations unless directed by Higher Headquarters (HHQ) through official tasking channels. Non-Federal Entities (NFE) will always have the lowest priority. Please note that higher priority USAFA events, or as tasked through official HHQ channels, may force the cancellation of your event at any time.
What are Air Force Academy Athletic Corporation (AFAAC) events?
The Air Force Academy Athletic Corporation (AFAAC) hosts events to support our Athletic Department, to generate the necessary revenue to support our intercollegiate athletics and to promote the Academy through athletic events. AFAAC Events are governed by USAFA/AFAAC & USAFA/DoD Licensing agreements and authorized by 10 U.S.C. § 9462. AFAAC will hold events in the Academy such as wrestling tournaments, bicycle races, and other selected events. AAFAC events that are not on a reoccurring basis may be subject to USAFA/A3 approval, depending on the scope and scale.
Will there be any assistance in the event approval process?
Yes, the Operations Team will assist event requestors, as necessary. This support ranges from providing contact information to more in-depth assistance depending on the event’s size and scope.
Can I charge admission fees?
Normally admission fees cannot be charged (beyond what will cover the reasonable costs of sponsoring the event) for events held at the Academy. If you wish to charge admission to your event, notify USAFA/A3O at the time of submission for additional vetting.
Note: AFAAC is exempted from this requirement per 10 USC 9462 and may charge admission fees as required.
Will my event be charged for facility usage?
A determination of any charges for external events will be completed during the vetting process, and event planners will be notified of those charges once the vetting has been completed. Typically, non-DoD organizations will be charged a fair market value for the usage of any facility at the Academy. Events held at Non-Appropriated Funds (NAF) facilities such as Falcon Club or Eisenhower Golf Course will have separate facility charging requirements.
What are scheduling blackouts?
The Academy hosts many internal events every year which require the use of a majority of our support capability. We are unable to approve requests for events during the time leading up to and through the execution of one of these large events. Likewise, USAFA/A3O will not approve events that conflict with Institutional Events or certain military and academic activities.
These events include but are not limited to: Preparatory School Graduation (mid-May), Cadet Graduation (typically the week that includes Memorial Day Weekend), Cadet In-processing Day (end of June or beginning of July), and the day of home football games.
I am a DoD ID Cardholder. Do I have to request a venue through HQ USAFA/A3O for a private event?
Typically, no. Venue Events (not including usage of Polaris Hall or Arnold Hall) will normally be delegated to 10 ABW for approval for private, non-organizational events hosted by DoD cardholders and will operate on their internal approval and planning processes as determined by 10 ABW. HQ USAFA/A3 approval is required if the event requires support from other USAFA agencies to include security procedures or traffic management (such as extended cordon hours or support requirements that will affect traffic control), requested tours of the cadet area, activities outside the primary venue, events with more than 250 attendees, events likely to generate senior-leader interest (such as Distinguished Visitors). Event requestors will contact HQ USAFA/A3O for clarification on if higher approval is required.
I am a DoD member and would like to have my promotion/retirement ceremony at USAFA. May I utilize Cadet Area facilities such as Polaris Hall?
Due to the high number of requests for these events, venues such as Polaris Hall, Arnold Hall, or inside the Cadet Area will not be authorized for military members not currently assigned to USAFA. Other, non-Cadet Area locations may be available for these events on a first come first serve basis but will not receive additional USAFA support such as traffic control or protocol support.