Dr. Jones is a long-time civilian faculty member at the United States Air Force Academy. In addition to faculty service within DFBL, he has had multiple roles related to academic administration at USAFA, to include serving as Senior Associate Dean from 2016-2020. His academic interests include cognitive psychology, teaching and learning, and the enhancing undergraduate education, particularly within general education programs.
1988 Bachelor of Science in Psychological Science, Ball State University, Muncie, IN
1989 Master of Science in Cognitive Psychology, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR
1992 Doctor of Philosophy in Cognitive Psychology, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR
Professional Experience
1993-1996 Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychology, Ohio University, Athens, OH
1996-1998 Assistant Professor of Behavioral Sciences and Leadership, USAFA
1998-2015 Associate Professor of Behavioral Sciences and Leadership, USAFA
2003-2015 Director of Academic Assessment, USAFA
2015-present Professor of Behavioral Sciences and Leadership, USAFA
2015-2016 Associate Dean for Educational Innovation, USAFA
2016-2020 Senior Associate Dean, USAFA
Honors & Awards
Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society
Exemplary Civilian Service Award
Outstanding Academy Educator
Teaching Excellence Award, DFBL
Research and Scholarly Interests
Cognition, Judgment and Decision Making, Teaching and Learning, Academic Assessment
(Selected Publications and Presentations)
Robinson, S.E., Noyd, R. K., & Jones, S.K. (2020). Helping instructors identify course design flaws. College Teaching. DOI: 10.1080/87567555.2020.1828251.
Jones, S.K., Harris, K., & Lisic, E. (2019, April). Using the Critical Thinking Assessment Test as a model for designing assignments in academic majors. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Higher Learning Commission, Chicago, IL
Noyd, R., & Jones, S.K. (2018, November). Breakdowns along the pathway to student learning: Three course design flaws that inhibit student success. 38th Annual Lilly Conference on College Teaching. Oxford, OH.
Flaherty, R., Jones, S.K., Brewster, E., & Horner, M. (2018, February). Developing structures and processes to foster integration between curricular and co-curricular experiences. AAC&U Conference on General Education and Assessment. Philadelphia, PA.
Jones, S.K., Noyd, R.K., & Sagendorf, K.S. (2014). Building a pathway for student learning. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.