Dr. Kelly Kristopher Lemmons is an Assistant Professor at the US Air Force Academy, where he previously served as a Distinguished Visiting Professor. Dr. Lemmons has a passion for teaching and conducting research on the topics of cultural geography, economic geography, and travel/study abroad. Based on his doctoral research he has developed a pre-departure cultural training course for students preparing to travel internationally and/or participate in a study abroad program. Before serving at the US Air Force Academy Dr. Lemmons was an Assistant Professor at Tarleton State University where he started a new Geography/GIS Major, a Geography Honor Society (Gamma Theta Upsilon) Chapter, and was awarded the Outstanding Junior Faculty Award. Dr. Lemmons also served as Department Head and Assistant Dean at Tarleton State University before coming to the Academy. Dr. Lemmons has published various articles on student learning outcomes, repeat photography, study abroad, and culture. A graduate of Brigham Young University (BS) where he served as a research assistant, University of Massachusetts (MS), where he served as a Teaching Assistant, and Texas A&M University (PhD), where he was awarded a GK-12 National Science Foundation Fellowship, served as a Teaching Assistant, as the Vice-President Elect of the Graduate Student Body, Quality of Life Coordinator for Graduate Students, and received the Distinguished Graduate Student Award. Dr. Lemmons is married to Ami Leatham Lemmons and they are the proud parents of three children.
PhD, Texas A&M University
Masters of Science, University of Massachusetts
Bachelors of Science, Brigham Young University
Professional Experience
Distinguished Visiting Professor, Geography, U.S. Air Force Academy, (2018 – Present)
Assistant Professor – Geography, Tarleton State University (2014– Present)
Assistant Dean – Tarleton State University, College of Liberal and Fine Arts (2017–2018)
Department Head (Interim) – Tarleton State University, Fine Arts, (2017–2018)
Lecturer, Texas A&M University, Department of Geography (2014)
AP Human Geography Exam Reader/Scorer, ETS College Board AP Reading (June 2011, June 2010)
Honors & Awards
Dean’s Teaching Certificate, US Air Force Academy¸ awarded the Dean’s Teaching Certificate, April 15, 2019.
Last Lecture Series, nominated for the College of Liberal and Fine Arts, by the student body, Fall 2017 – Tarleton State University.
Outstanding Junior Faculty Award, College of Liberal and Fine Arts, Tarleton State University, 2017.
Editor’s Choice Collection: A selection of the best articles published in the Journal of Geography in Higher Education,, for Lemmons, K.; Brannstrom C.; Hurd, D. (2014). Exposing repeat photography: increasing cultural understanding on a short-term study abroad. Journal of Geography in Higher Education Vol. 38, No. 1, pp. 86-105.
Distinguished Graduate Student Award for Excellence in Teaching. Out of the 10,000 graduate students at Texas A&M University five are given this award.
3 Minute Thesis Competition Winner, Texas A&M University, 2013.
National Science Foundation GK-12 Graduate Fellowship: Advancing Geospatial Skills in Science and Social Studies, Texas A&M University
Research and Scholarly Interests
Human/cultural geography, study abroad, economic geography, real estate investment
Lemmons, K.; Mobley, R. (2019) Measuring the effects of pre-departure cultural training for study abroad. Submitted September 2019 to Frontiers: the interdisciplinary journal of study abroad.
Mobley, R.; Lemmons, K. (2019) Managing one’s identity: how lack of choice in migration impacts queer servicemembers’ sense of identity. Submitted 2019 to Antipode.
Houser, C; Bishop, M.; Lemmons, K. (2018). Teaching complex concepts in physical geography by integrating analytical reasoning with GIS. Journal of Geoscience Education. Vol. 65, No 3, pp. 263-271.
Houser, C; and Lemmons, K. (2017). Implicit bias in letters of recommendation for an undergraduate research internship. Journal of Further and Higher Education.
Lemmons, K. (2015). Short-term study abroad: culture and the path of least resistance. Journal of Geography in Higher Education. Vol. 39, No. 4, pp. 543-553.
Houser, C; Cahill, T.; and Lemmons, K. (2014). Assessment of student and faculty mentor perceptions of an international undergraduate research program in physical geography. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, Vol 38, No. 4, pp. 582-594.
Lemmons, K.; Brannstrom C.; Hurd, D. (2014). Exposing repeat photography: increasing cultural understanding on a short-term study abroad. Journal of Geography in Higher Education Vol. 38, No. 1, pp. 86-105. Paper received the Editor’s Choice Collection: A selection of the best articles published in the Journal of Geography in Higher Education.
Houser, C.; Lemmons, K.; and Cahill, T. (2013) Role of the faculty mentor in the undergraduate research experience abroad. Journal of Geoscience Education. Vol. 61, No. 3, pp. 297-305
Houser, C.; Brannstrom C.; Quiring, S. M.; Lemmons, Kelly K. (2011). Study abroad field trip improves test performance through engagement and new social networks. Journal of Geography in Higher Education Vol. 35, No. 4, pp. 513-528.